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Europe/Northern Africa: Cold Wave - Jan 2012

Disaster description

Several municipalities in Kosovo were affected by strong winds that lasted for 24 hours, followed by heavy snowfall on 6 and 7 Jan 2012. The most affected municipalities are Istog, Kamenica and Peja. (IFRC, 13 Jan 2012).

An unusual and exceptional cold wave and heavy snowfall (the worst for the last 20 years) have been recorded in Tunisia since 31 January in the North West and inland regions, isolating villages and cutting roads. The most affected regions are: Jandouba, Kef, Kassrine, Siliana and Bizerta. (IFRC, 10 Feb 2012)

Ukraine was reportedly the worst hit area with bitter cold with heavy snowstorms and temperatures falling to minus 20-25 degrees Celsius. At least 112 people died in Ukraine due to the cold weather. Most of them were homeless who froze to death in the streets or old people who died in their homes or after their hospitalization. Around 2,500 people were hospitalized with frostbite and hypothermia. Several factors related to the difficult social and economic situation in Ukraine had worsened the effects of the cold wave in the country. People living below the poverty level and without permanent address (homeless) were particularly hardly affected. (IFRC, 30 Jun 2012)

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