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Central African Republic

OCHA - Situation Report - Highlights ()

  • In 2024, the humanitarian community in CAR plans to assist 1.9 million most vulnerable people. US$ 367.7 million is required.
  • Humanitarian actors provided life-saving assistance to 2 million people in 2023.
  • Increasingly worrying humanitarian situation in the Haut-Mbomou Prefecture
  • Faced with insecurity in their villages, Chadians seek refuge in northwest Central Africa
Déchargement des vivres du Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM) sur la rivière Chinko, destinés aux demandeurs d'asile soudanais installés à Dembia sur l'axe Rafaï-Zémio. ©OCHA/N. Harold, Préfecture du Mbomou, République centrafricaine

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