In the Central African Republic (CAR), efforts to contain the spread of Mpox continue, with the government collaborating with WHO, the African CDC, and regional health authorities, while UNFPA engages in risk communication with local communities. As of 31 August, there have been 48 confirmed cases, 278 suspected cases, and one death, with children under 4 years making up 25% of confirmed cases. Torrential rains and strong winds in August affected 2,700 people in the Mbomou and Ouham-Fafa prefectures, destroying 500 homes and shelters, and causing injuries, including a pregnant woman who was evacuated for medical care. In Ouham-Pendé district, 10,757 people remain displaced due to ongoing conflict, exacerbating insecurity and increasing the prevalence of gender-based violence (GBV), particularly sexual and conflict-related sexual violence. UNFPA, through its partners, continues to prioritise support for those affected by these intersecting crises.
UNFPA continues to prioritise the delivery of essential sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services and GBV programming, addressing ongoing challenges like under-reporting and limited access to care. In July, 26% of sexual violence survivors received medical treatment within 72 hours, and all received psychosocial support. Through awareness campaigns, 15,608 people were sensitised on GBV and referral pathways, and an additional 12,440 individuals participated in life skills activities in safe spaces. UNFPA distributed 1,111 dignity kits to vulnerable women and girls, including IDPs and refugees, and provided vocational training to 1,276 women. In collaboration with partners, 85% of survivors in five sub-prefectures received timely medical care. UNFPA midwives in Bria assisted 39 safe deliveries and conducted awareness sessions, while youth-led campaigns on SRH and HIV reached over 3,000 young people.
To respond to the widespread needs in 2024, UNFPA CAR is appealing for a total of US$ 19.2 million, only 20% has been secured to date.