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Philippines + 1 more

Asia in desperate need of hope after series of natural disasters

The Phillipines- Tropical Storm Ondoy

After Saturday , September 26, 2009 Tropical Storm Ondoy (Ketsana), The Phillipines's estimated 2.3 million in 27 provinces affected residents are embracing Super Typhoon Pepeng and another one coming as another scary weekend is ahead. The streets of Manila are not yet completely dried, but the vulnerable displaced flood victims are catching their breath for bigger, lethal, fearful, rounds of troubles. After sleepless nights scrambling for survival, life is still far for hopeful future. National Disaster Coordinating Council of The Philippines have declared 246 deaths as of September 30, 2009.

HOPE worldwide Philippines managed to rescue children and staffs from three Centers of HOPE in Binan, Quezon City, and Baseco. Despites the fact that staffs are affected by flood themselves as high as seven to 10 feet and losing their personal valuable possessions, they continue to serve as new evacuation centers for children were set up, a command center serving as collection point for aids to be distributed, and working closely with over 2,700 volunteers from local partners who themselves are victims of the disaster. Over 1,000 volunteers of HOPE worldwide Philippines were affected as they strive to survive and serve. Local volunteers have mobilized 2,000 blankets, water, food, rice, clothes, and two rubber boats to deliver assistance to still-flooded slums of Manila.

HOPE worldwide has secured donations of health supplies, hygiene kits, and much more ready to be sent to Manila once received clearance by the government and custom. Much works are still needed in The Philippines as the silver lining is still far in the sky. Threats of infectious diseases such as diarrhea, pneumonia, typhoid, and Cholera are lurking for opportunity to blossom in the poor sanitation. The three centers of HOPE are awaiting for rehabilitation once the water dries, while the community surroundings are continuing to be living in higher risks and deeper poverty.

Indonesia - West Java Earthquake

HOPE worldwide Indonesia completed distributing temporary shelters, blankets, clothes, and many other relief items for 1,050 families for the victims of September 2 West Java earthquake just before the Muslim majority residents celebrated Idul Fitri on September 20, 2009. The team also designed and distributed 200,000 DRR (Disaster Risk Reduction) materials in the form of flyers to children to mitigate the risk of future aftershocks. 10 temporary school tents were also set up in Marga Mulya Village Panagalengan to be able to open up classes on September 28.

Psychosocial support is also being provided through a child friendly space in the form of Play Therapy and Art Therapy for the children victims of disaster. Much works need to be done before the residents starts having their damaged houses rebuilt.

Indonesia, West Sumatra

The Ring of Fire continues to heat up with another round of 7.6 Richter Scale earthquake hit West Sumatra. The area has been continuously hit with earthquakes, and this September 30, 2009 earthquake put the eclipse. From Padang to Medan, Pekan Baru, and many other cities, the quake can be felt. HOPE worldwide disaster relief team assembled within hours after the event and set to go to Padang. The airport in Padang also sustained damage, causing the authorities to close. Team is waiting for the airport to be opened to bring 50 temporary shelters (tarpaulins) as the initial response as well as to conduct a rapid assessment on the ground.

The vice president of Indonesia issued a statement that the earthquake can be as large as the 2006 Jogjakarta earthquake that the government decided to conduct 2 months of relief procedures. The number of casualties is still not cleared yet, but is reported by media as high as 500 deaths.

HOPE worldwide is also actively watching the impact of Samoan tsunami, Typhoon Ketsana in Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos as countries are suffering the natural crisis. It is not coincident as countries are preparing for the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference. The increase of natural disasters is bringing a point from Mother Nature that we need to take actions.

As an international relief and development NGO (non-governmental organization), HOPE worldwide is actively involved in bringing hope and changing lives in 80 countries globally. As a special consultative status with the United Nations' Economic and Social Council, we are working closely with other organizations, corporations, individuals and communities to bring real change into the lives of poor and needy.

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Marcia Scaggs -

Mark Templer - or cellphone: +919818406885

Charles Ham - or cellphone: +628161834574