Executive Summary
1. Introduction
The Indonesian Emergency Capacity Building (ECB) consortium has eight member agencies. They are CARE International, Catholic Relief Services, International Medical Corps (IMC), Masyarakat Penanggulangan Bencana Indonesia (MPBI) or the Indonesian Society of Disaster Management, Mercy Corps, Oxfam GB, Save the Children, and World Vision Indonesia. In December 2009 the members decided to conduct a joint evaluation of the response by its various members to the2nd September West Java earthquake and the 30th September West Sumatra earthquakes.
The joint evaluation was carried out from February 16th to March 7th 2010. It was an independent evaluation and its objectives were to:
1) Review the ECB Indonesia consortium's emergency responses to the West Java and West Sumatra earthquakes, measured in terms of the ECB goal to improve the speed, quality and effectiveness of the humanitarian community to save lives, protect the livelihoods, and defend the rights of people in emergency situations. This review will include both the process of collaboration and the results of the actual program in West Sumatra.
2) Review the levels and degree of coordination of the consortium members as a group with the National, Provincial and District governments and the BNPB, and other key stakeholders including other INGOs, national NGOs, UN agencies and donors.
3) Define recommendations for improving the collaboration in emergency response in the future. The recommendations will inform future protocols and guidelines of collaboration and joint response for both the Indonesia consortium and the other ECB country level consortia.