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Flash Update: #1 - Pakistan Rains, 13 April, 2016



Unseasonably heavy pre-monsoon rains have affected 53 districts across Pakistan. Since 9 March 2016, 262 people have been killed, and 223 injured, with 56% of the fatalities occurring in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). The rains have caused flooding, and landslides and have damaged almost 2,700 houses. Gilgit Baltistan is experiencing food shortages due to landslides on the Karakoram Highway, which remains closed. Most interior district roads remain open and passable, and damage to telecommunication infrastructure was minimal.


As a result of the rains, the Government of Pakistan has launched relief efforts to meet the immediate needs of the affected population. This includes airlifting 20 tons of emergency food and shelter supplies to Gilgit Baltistan.

Additional food supplies for Gilgit Baltistan are scheduled for delivery following the opening of the Karakoram Highway later this week. Repairs to damaged power infrastructure is underway. Tourists in area were evacuated by military flights on 11 April. The Government of KP announced a compensation package of PKR 300,000 for families with deceased family and 100,000 for injured. The Government will also compensate the families whose houses are partially or completely damaged after the assessment/verification.

The Pakistan Red Crescent Society deployed five teams in Kohistan, Torghar, Shangla, Batagram and Swat to assess the situation and distributed 109 non-food item kits.

The Agha Khan Development Network (AKDN) through FOCUS and the Agha Khan Health Service has provided 100 tents and NFIs to 50 households, and emergency health services. The AKDN helicopter is being used for some evacuations.

The government has not request the assistance of the international humanitarian community.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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