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Haiti + 1 more

La Hispaniola: Tropical Storm Emily - Information Bulletin n° 1


This bulletin is being issued for information only, and reflects the current situation and details available at this time. The Haitian Red Cross (HRC) and the Dominican Red Cross (DRC), with the support of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), have determined that external assistance is not required yet, and is therefore not seeking funding or other assistance from donors at this time.

As Tropical Storm Emily approached the Island of La Hispaniola with sustained winds of 85 km/h, the National Societies in Haiti and the Dominican Republic prepared themselves to monitor the situation and respond in a comprehensive way. Since both the Dominican Republic and Haiti are confronting a cholera outbreak, there is a general concern that the flooding produced by Tropical Storm Emily could exacerbate the situation.

At the moment, the Dominican Red Cross is coordinating with the governmental authorities, carrying out evacuations, and assessments, as well as assisting people currently staying in collective centres, and maintaining cholera control efforts. The Haitian Red Cross has opened an Emergency Operation Centre to maintain communications with all regional branches, and is working alongside Partner National Societies and the IFRC, to undertake awareness-raising activities by disseminating key preparedness messages.