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Protection Cluster Ethiopia: Monthly Protection Overview – August 2023


Attacks on civilians

• Gambella - 20 individuals were killed due to a tribal clash that broke out between Nuer and Anyuak ethnic groups in Pino kebele of Itang special woreda

• Oromia – multiple attack on civilians and civilian property reported across East and West Wollega, West Shewa, Horo Guduru and Kellem Wollega, West Guji, East Guji and East Borana, resulting in killings, injuries, destruction of properties, and arrest of civilians. UAGs threw hand-held grenades at security forces in Mandi town, resulting in unknown casualties.

• BGRS –two armed ethnic Berta individuals were reportedly shot and killed by UAGs in Oda Biuldigilu woreda). two armed ethnic Gumuz individuals were reportedly shot and killed by UAG in Sedal woreda.