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OCHA - Situation Report - Highlights ()

  • Famine conditions have been confirmed in Zamzam IDP camp near Al Fasher, North Darfur State. Thousands more are likely experiencing similar conditions in 13 other areas at risk
  • Heavy rains and flooding; disease outbreaks, mainly cholera; and conflict-induced displacement continue to drive needs, worsening the humanitarian situation
  • Humanitarians welcomed the re-opening of Adre border crossing point as UN Deputy Secretary General visits Sudan and Chad
  • The 2024 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan, which is seeking US$2.7 billion, is only 41 per cent funded by the end of August
People receive non-food item assistance in Gedaref State | Credit: OCHA/Alimbek Tashtankulov

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Ms. Joyce Msuya, Acting Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator - Briefing to the Security Council on the humanitarian situation in Sudan, 18 September 2024

New York, 18 September 2024 As delivered Mr. President and Members of the Council, Thank you for this opportunity to brief you on the humanitarian situation in Sudan. This brutal war has now lasted...

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