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UN Casualty Figures for April 2014, Anbar province excluded

Baghdad, 1 May 2014 – According to casualty figures released today by UNAMI, a total of 750 Iraqis were killed and another 1,541 were injured in acts of terrorism and violence in April*.

The number of civilians killed was 610 (including 140 civilian police), while the number of civilians injured was 1,311 (including 266 civilian police). A further 140 members of the Iraqi Security Forces were killed, and 230 were injured (not including casualties from Anbar operation).

“As violence continues, I once again stress the need for unity and a holistic approach to dealing with the terrorist threat in Iraq. Only through a combination of effective security operations, political engagement and socially inclusive policies can social peace be promoted”, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG), Mr. Mladenov said.

Anbar excluded, Baghdad was the worst affected Governorate with 833 civilian casualties (252 killed, 581 injured), followed by Ninewa (119 killed, 219 injured), Diyala (71 killed, 163 injured), Salahadin (63 killed, 133 injured), and Kirkuk (42 killed, 73 injured).

Operations in Anbar

According to information obtained by UNAMI from the Health Directorate in Anbar, the total civilian casualties in Anbar up to 29 April inclusive were 135 killed and 525 injured, with 57 killed and 265 injured in Ramadi and 78 killed and 260 injured in Fallujah.

*CAVEATS: Data do not take into account casualties of the current IA operation in Anbar, for which we report at the bottom the figures received by our sources.