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Ukraine + 14 more

Ukraine Situation Flash Update #68 (15 April 2024)



  • As attacks by Russian Federation forces intensified across Ukraine, UNHCR and local NGO partners have continued to quickly respond by delivering emergency shelter kits to almost 32,000 people across the country between January - March 2024 to help people whose homes suffered damage during recent strikes, notably:

• Over 210 people received emergency shelter kits from UNHCR and partners in Dnipropetrovska region on 12 March.

• On 21 March in Kyivska region, UNHCR and partners promptly provided legal consultations and psychosocial support to families, as well as enrolled 293 people for emergency cash assistance.

• In Odeska region, over 100 families received legal assistance on 15 March focused primarily on housing restoration and compensation for damaged property – while psychologists were also on-site to provide counselling.

• In Sumska region, 988 people were supported with emergency shelter assistance as well as 200 people with core-relief items, psychological and legal support.