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Ethiopia - Operation Overview, January 2024


Operational Highlights

  • The Logistics Cluster continued to support humanitarian actors within Ethiopia's unstable situation, specifically in the regions of Amhara, Benishangul-Gumuz, and Somalia, to ensure uninterrupted assistance delivery to those in need.

  • In January, the Logistics Cluster supported five partners in transporting 230 MT of humanitarian supplies to the Amhara region.Additionally, the movement of one partner truck to Gondar as part of the convoy was coordinated.

  • The Logistics Cluster tracked the arrival of 260 trucks into the Tigray region,delivering supplies for eight partners including WFP. The breakdown of supplies was for Food Security (9,423 MT), Shelter and non-food items (320 MT), Protection (250 MT), Health (136 MT), Nutrition (48 MT), and General Operations (5 MT).

  • Bi-weekly Cluster Coordination meetings were held in Addis Ababaand monthly in Mekelle, and Shire in person with five in-person coordination meetings attended by 40 partners in the Logistics Cluster’s hubs(Mekelle, and Shire).