Logistics Cluster
Logistics Cluster Mandate
The Logistics Cluster is part of the Cluster system that was established by the Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC). Due to its expertise in the field of humanitarian logistics, the IASC has designated the World Food Programme (WFP) as the Logistics Cluster global lead agency. As such, WFP hosts the Global Logistics Cluster Support Team (GLC ST) in its headquarters in Rome.
Cluster Activation
In an emergency or crisis response, host governments and/or Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) may request support to ensure humanitarian organizations work together to identify and address common logistics needs or gaps. To respond to such requests, there are several coordination tools and mechanisms available to facilitate logistics support activities during an emergency response. A Gaps and Needs Analysis Exercise can help determine the best mechanisms and support needed. In any country where there is a UN presence, WFP may agree to lead or co-lead a Logistics Cluster or join as a participant.
The Global Logistics Cluster Support Team can support the activation process with staffing, information products, coordination meetings, and setup of operations. In the absence of a full IASC Cluster Activation, the Global Logistics Cluster through WFP can support a variety of other coordination mechanisms, such as providing technical guidance or helping establish a Logistics Working Group (LWG). Where no formal cluster activation is available or advisable, the level of support available to other humanitarian coordination and response structures will depend on the assessed risk of the operation as well as capacity and resource availability.
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