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Humanitarian Bulletin: Ukraine | Issue 15 | 1 October - 31 December 2016 [EN/RU/UK]



• An estimated 3.8 million people in Ukraine are in need of humanitarian assistance

• Thousands are left without water supply due to shelling and lack of mechanisms to pay debts to and from nongovernment controlled areas (NGCA)

• Fewer people cross the ‘contact line’ due to shorter opening hours and harsh winter conditions

• Shelter/NFI Cluster partners reached more than 50,000 people with winterization assistance


People killed 9,598*

People wounded 22,311*

Externally displaced 1.1 m

People in need (2016) 3.1 m

People targeted (2016) 2.5 m

Source: UNHCR, WHO, OHCHR * As of 30 November 2016

The Humanitarian Country Team appeals for US$ 214 million to cover needs in 2017

Nearly three years into this confl ict, humanitarian needs in Ukraine persist unabated.
An estimated 3.8 million people will continue to need humanitarian assistance in 2017-an increase of 0.7 million compared to in 2016.1 This is largely due to an increase in protection concerns, including restrictions over freedom of movement for people and goods, suspension of social payments and pensions, and some unsafe return to non-government controlled areas (NGCAs). Ongoing hostilities, extensive damage to critical civilian infrastructure and the inability of those responsible to reach an agreement on the payment of water and electricity bills leaves some 3.7 million people in need of water and sanitation assistance.

Approximately 2.2 million people are suffering a lack of access to quality health services as a result of the conflict. Livelihood interventions – of emergency and longerterm nature - are urgently required, as many people have exhausted their savings and resources.
Most of the needs are concentrated along the ‘contact line’ where sectoral needs overlap and potentially compound each other. The situation remains particularly worrisome in areas where security incidents continue to occur on a regular basis, forcing people to seek shelter.

In response, the Humanitarian Country Team, together with the Ministry of the Temporarily Occupied Territories and IDPs, launched the 2017 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP)2 for Ukraine on 5 December, appealing to donors to contribute US$ 214 million to cover the needs of 2.6 million people considered to be most vulnerable. Activities worth US$ 127 million were identifi ed as critical priorities for which early funding is crucial to ensure timely delivery of life-saving assistance, particularly in winter. The 2017 HRP encompasses 94 projects and 215 partners, among them many national NGOs.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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