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United Nations supports Philippines with emergency funding

Manila: December 13, 2006 - The United Nations country team in Manila, the Philippines, has requested US$ 2.6 million to fund rapid response projects from the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) in order to support the Government's efforts to meet needs arising from the impact of a succession of typhoons that have hit the country in recent weeks. This CERF funding will be used to strengthen life-saving activities from providing clean drinking water to restoring health facilities in the affected areas in the next few weeks.

"Our priority is to work with our partners to provide affected communities with emergency shelter, clean water and food, and urgent healthcare," said the United Nations Resident Coordinator for the Philippines, Ms. Nileema Noble. "Adequate sanitation and hygiene facilities are needed for people living in crowded conditions, especially children and the elderly, to prevent the spread of disease, while emergency power generation is crucial for medical facilities to continue vital functions," she noted.

Typhoon Utor, which made landfall in the Philippines on Saturday 9 December, has brought renewed suffering to hundreds of thousands of people already affected by Typhoon Durian. Since 30 November, over 1,400 people have been reported dead or missing, according to figures from the National Disaster Coordinating Council (NDCC), while close to 110,000 people have sought refuge in evacuation centers in the three worst-affected provinces.

With more than seven million people affected by the last four typhoons since September, casualty figures for Typhoons Durian and Utor have continued to rise as communication lines are restored in remote areas. Mudslides, flooding and landslides, especially in areas close to Mount Mayon and other active volcanoes, have destroyed homes, schools and hospitals, and caused widespread power outages.

The United Nations has welcomed the prompt reaction of the Government of the Philippines to provide urgently needed assistance to stricken communities. In response to the needs identified by the NDCC, United Nations agencies and their humanitarian partners have been providing emergency relief assistance and carrying out further assessments of the situation and people's immediate needs.

Further key interventions that will be supported with the CERF funding include emergency maternal health services, provision of family care packs containing items such as water containers, mosquito nets, kitchen utensils and family tents and child nutrition support, as well as crucial logistics, coordination and procurement support.

Within the humanitarian community, United Nations agencies are working closely with partners from Government agencies, other international organizations and local non-governmental organizations (NGOs), to ensure a coordinated approach to assistance and targeted use of resources to quickly reach those most in need.

Many communities battered by the cumulative impact of four typhoons since September, especially across the Bicol region, remain in a precarious situation. A more detailed Appeal for funding will be launched in the coming days in coordination with the Government of Philippines to provide urgent assistance over the next few months to enable people to rebuild their lives and support their families.

For further information, please contact :

Manila : Agnes Aliman, UNIC Manila,, Tel. +63 2 3385520
Bangkok : Amanda Pitt, OCHA ROAP,, Mob.+66 81 374 1035


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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