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ASEAN Weekly Disaster Update, 7 - 13 March 2016



  • Due to the overflowing of rivers Rongkong and Baliase, 5 districts in North Luwu, South Sulawesi, namely Baebunta, Malangke, Malangke Barat, Mappedeceng, Kecamatan Sukamaju were flooded. Around 4,000 houses were inundated.
    The local Disaster Management Office (BPBD) is continually evacuating the affected population.

  • Heavy rains and the overflowing of Citarum River caused widespread flooding in Bandung, West Java. Considered the worst over the past 10 years, flood heights reached up to 3.3m. The 15 regions affected are Cicalengka, Rancaekek, Cileunyi, Solokan Jeruk, Majalaya, Ciparay, Baleendah, Dayeuhkolot, Bojongsoang, Pameungpeuk, Banjaran, Arjasri, Cangkuang, Katapang and Kutawaringin.
    The floods displaced more than 3,000 people and affected a total of 24,000 people.