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Sri Lanka

Flash floods and landslides in western and southern parts of Sri Lanka: Joint situation report # 1 - IASC & Government of Sri Lanka, 02 Jun 2008


Flash floods and landslides in western and southern parts of Sri Lanka: Joint situation report # 1 - IASC & Government of Sri Lanka, 02 Jun 2008

For the 48 hours the Western and Southern parts of Sri Lanka have experienced continuous rains. The Department of Meteorology forecasted on 01 June at 16:00 hrs that South West monsoon conditions are expected to continue in the island for the next 2 days. Parts of the Northwest, West and Central provinces would experience showers and thunder showers at times. The Eastern and Uva provinces will experience thundershowers in the afternoons or evenings.

As of 02 June at 14:30 hrs areas worst affected by floods and landslides are Kalutara, Ratnapura, Colombo, Galle Gampaha and Nuwara Eliya. A total of 173,778 individuals have been affected (40,664 families). 11 deaths have been reported (7 in Kalutara District - Palindanuwara and Bulathsinghala DS divisions, 1 each in Galle, Matara, Nuwara Eliya and Kegalle Districts). 2 persons are also reported missing in Kalutara from Palindanuwara DS division. 50 houses have been destroyed with a 156 partially damaged. 911 families are currently in 25 IDP camps in the affected districts. Out of that number 210 individuals are in 11 camps in the Colombo district and 310 individuals are in 8 camps in Galle. An unknown number of people are staying with relatives.

The Disaster Management Centre (DMC) under the direction of Major General Hettiarachchi, has taken the lead in coordinating efforts to assess, respond and mitigate the effects of the flooding that has occurred due to heavy rains.

As reported by the Ministry of Resettlement and Disaster Relief Services, the Government has allocated Rs. 23 million to cover emergency needs of those affected.

- The Ministry of Resettlement and Disaster Relief Services has started to provide cooked meals to affected families.

- The Ministry of Disaster Management is also using supplies made available to the Ministry through stocks provided by other agencies including UNHCR.

- The UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) has agreed to provide 3 tonnes of High Protein/ Energy Biscuits to the affected population and is considering possible support for non food items.

- The World Food Programme (WFP) has agreed to distribute one-week's food ration (98 metric tonnes of rice, pulses and oil) to 50,000 people.

- UNDP has hired a number of vehicles in the affected districts and UN Volunteers have been deployed to support efforts on the ground.

- UN OCHA is coordinating mapping and reporting with the DMC. UNOCHA is considering release of an emergency cash grant for immediate non-food needs. Satellite imagery has been requested by the DMC and OCHA will be in contact with UNOSAT within the next 24 hours.

Based on initial needs assessments by District Secretaries, the DMC has identified the following immediate needs:

- Tents
- Sets of cooking utensils
- Candles
- Torches
- Lanterns
- Hygiene kits
- Mats
- Batteries
- Bed sheets
- Pillows
- Polythene sheets
- Milk powder/ milk bottles for infants

More information will come in, as rains are predicted to continue and teams are liaising with the relevant authorities.

IASC partners and agencies with the capacity to provide support are asked to liaise and report to the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) of the DMC.