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Indonesia: BRR media update - 22 Sep 2005


Latest News From BRR

Condolences to Rizal Nurdin

MEDAN, September 6, 2005 - Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR) Aceh and Nias Kuntoro Mangkusubroto made a visit of condolences to the late North Sumatera Utara Rizal Nurdin who passed away in a jetliner accident on the previous day. Kuntoro who pay condolences visit at the North Sumatera Governor Residence in Medan was also express his condolences to the family of Rizal Nurdin. Apart of being the Governor of North Sumatera, Rizal Nurdin was known as role model for many people, and actively taking part as the member of Advisory Board of BRR. "As a friend, and on the behalf of BRR, Aceh and Nias people, I would like to express my condolences to the family. We all pray may the family being given strength by Allah SWT and may God bless him for all the good deeds he has done."

BRR Launches Anti-Corruption Unit to Local NGO Community

BANDA ACEH, September 13, 2005 - The Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR) Aceh-Nias last week introduced its Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) to the local administration and anti-corruption NGOs of Banda Aceh and Jakarta in two separate events.

The ACU has been established to prevent and investigate corruption in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Aceh and Nias, and build local capacity for detecting, investigating and preventing corruption. Acting Head of the BRR ACU Kevin Evans, BRR ACU Prevention Manager Adedikdik, BRR ACU Education Manager Khairiansyah Salman, and BRR ACU Investigation Manager Leo Nugraha, conveyed their respect of local NGOs that have worked long and hard in Indonesia to create better societies. ACU Special Advisor on anti-corruption Bertrand de Speville, formerly Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption of Hong Kong, was also present at the launch.

Alongside these local NGOs, BRR will implement a comprehensive anti-corruption strategy in coordination with KPK to prevent and punish corruption in reconstruction projects. The ACU will also serve to build local and national capacity to ensure long term good governance, reporting directly to BRR Director Kuntoro Mangkusubroto. The ACU was introduced to the local community of good governance and anti-corruption NGOs of Banda Aceh last Tuesday, including GeRAK Aceh, SAMAK (People's Solidarity Against Corruption), SORAK, APW (Aceh Parliament Watch), AJW (Aceh Judicial Watch), MATARADJA, and APF (Aceh People Forum).

The Anti-Corruption Unit was then later launched in Jakarta to national NGOs in a seminar held by The Indonesian Society for Transparency last Friday.

BRR Deputy for Communication and Stakeholder Relations Sudirman Said and Acting Head of BRR Anti-Corruption Unit Kevin Evans discuss the new BRR unit with local NGOs in Banda Aceh. Photo: BRR/Arif Ariadi "BRR seeks to help build dignified, transparent, democratic and prosperous Aceh and Nias societies. As a community we must guard vigilantly against corruption in all rehabilitation and reconstruction projects. The Anti Corruption Unit is proactive - it will place the focus on preventing and educating against corruption," said Sudirman Said, BRR Deputy for Communication and Stakeholder Relations.

Ground Breaking for Meunasah Lamjabat Village

Participatory Village Planning a Priority for BRR

BANDA ACEH, September 13, 2005 - The Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR) Aceh-Nias Director Kuntoro Mangkusubroto attended the inauguration of the Meunasah Lamjabat village construction project in the sub district of Meuraxa, Banda Aceh last Tuesday (9/13). The ceremony was an opportunity to socialize village planning and construction guidelines, which includes participative land mapping, housing construction guidelines, and building codes. The National Land Agency (BPN) was also present to provide an explanation regarding land certificates. Residents of the village participated actively in all aspects of the planning of their new village. The planning committee took their inputs and incorporated it into their development plans, such as requests for wider roads and emergency escape sites.

BRR Director Kuntoro Mangkusubroto highlighted the importance of coordination during the reconstruction process, and said that the socialization of reconstruction guidelines and participatory village mapping is of primary importance. USAID funded the participatory village mapping that BRR has completed in Meunasah Lamjabat village. "BRR is delighted to support this activity because it represents the wishes of the village residents in respect to rebuilding their homes. We support the building of community consensus as the first step in rebuilding disaster hit villages," said Kuntoro. BRR Director Kuntoro Mangkusubroto symbolically placed the first stone (ground breaking) to officially commence construction work by World Vision in the village on Tuesday (9/13).

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