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Vanuatu + 1 more

Vanuatu, New Caledonia - Tropical Storm DOVI (GDACS, JTWC, VMGD, Meteo New Caledonia, Government New Caledonia, Civil Protection New Caledonia, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 10 February 2022)

After passing close to the islands in Tafea Province (southern Vanuatu), tropical cyclone DOVI is moving south-westwards over the Coral Sea, approaching Loyalty Islands (New Caledonia). On 10 February at 0.00 UTC, its centre was located about 50 km north of Maré Island (Loyalty Island), with maximum sustained winds of 102 km/h. Media report that flooding due to heavy rainfall and river overflow has been affecting several islands in Vanuatu, displacing a number of people. In New Caledonia, several accommodation centres are operational across the Provinces of the Loyalty Islands, North and South, while all commercial, public and school activities remain suspended. DOVI is forecast to strengthen as it first passes south of Maré Island (Loyalty Island) and then between the Isle of Pines and the south of Grande Terre in the morning of 10 February, with maximum sustained winds between 100-110 km/h. In New Caledonia, a level 2 hurricane alert was issued for the Provinces of the Loyalty Islands and Southern. On 10-11 February, heavy rainfall strong winds, and high waves are forecast for New Caledonia, while heavy rainfall will continue on 10 February over southern Vanuatu Islands.