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Philippines: Mayon Volcano Bulletin - 17 Aug 2006

Mayon Volcano's (13.2576=B0N, 123.6856=B0E) activity for the past 24 hours was characterized by five (5) explosions, which occurred at 12:20 PM, 1:07 PM, 1:25 PM, 1:27 PM and 7:54 PM. These small explosions were not observed because of thick clouds that obscured the summit of the volcano.
Moderate to voluminous grayish white steam plumes drifted towards northeast where Calbayog experienced trace ashfalls yesterday. The Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) emission rate from these plumes remained very high, at 8,086 tonnes per day (t/d). This high value indicates active magma degassing. At times, these plumes appeared dense and hugged the northeastern slopes.

In the southeast, glowing lava continued to flow and near continuous streams of lava fragments, which detached from the summit crater and from lava flows, fell onto the southeast slopes. The lavas extruded were all confined within the southeast sector because the crater rim is lowest towards this direction.

Twenty-one (21) volcanic earthquakes signified active magma ascent while the 352 tremor episodes were mostly the effect of lavas impacting the slopes of the volcano.

In summary, a high level of volcanic unrest persists. Accumulation of lavas in the summit crater and the upper slopes, as well as continuing flow of lavas make the southeast sector susceptible to collapse of hot volcanic deposits. If such collapse occurs, pyroclastic avalanches shall adversely impact the danger zones.

Alert Level 4 is still in effect, which means that a hazardous explosive eruption may occur anytime. Thus, the eight (8) kilometer radius - EXTENDED DANGER ZONE (EDZ) in the southeast sector of the volcano should continue to be off-limits. At other areas around the volcano, this EDZ is seven (7) kilometers from the summit crater. Residents of areas outside and adjacent to the EDZ are advised to be on the alert for updates regarding their status for possible evacuation in case volcanic activity intensifies.