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Indonesia: The effects of the second earthquake

The earthquake which took place at sea off of Sumatra on March 28 did not have any effect on projects being carried out by German Agro Action.
But aid has to be organised for people on the Simeulu island off the Sumatra coast as soon as possible, where hundreds of people have probably lost their lives.

Birgit Zeitler, German Agro Action staff member working in Banda Aceh, reported strong tremors lasting several minutes followed by a power black-out: "There was considerable panic because people feared another tsunami. Many people fled the city in their cars, and there were all kinds of traffic pile-ups on the overcrowded roads."

The situation was much different on the island of Simeulu, which lies before Sumatra. It is feared that hundreds of people have lost there lives there, while numerous buildings have been destroyed. As soon as it is possible to transport material aid by helicopter, German Agro Action and its Irish partner organisation, Concern, will furnish the victims tents and tarps from Banda Aceh.

Official tsunami warnings were also issued in Sri Lanka and India, according to German Agro Action staff. It was not necessary to evacuate the population, however, as the panicky population immediately fled to higher ground there. Numerous people who lost everything they had in the tsunami are living at present in temporary villages located a safe distance from the coast.

German Agro Action has been supplying 180,000 people in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand with rice, drinking water, household appliances and clothing since 26 December 2004. At the same time long-term aid projects have been commenced in close collaboration with domestic partner organisations: fisherman have received new boats and support in rebuilding their houses in India and Sri Lanka, while in Thailand fishermen have been supplied wood to repair their boats and new engines. German Agro Action is also supporting farmers and fishermen in Indonesia as well so that they can produce an income once again.