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UNICEF Afghanistan Humanitarian Situation Report No. 7: 1 – 31 July 2023



• Across the country flooding affected over 6,000 people in July, killing at least 40 people, as well as destroying farmlands and severely impacting livelihoods. UNICEF and partners participated in interagency needs assessments and provided emergency WASH, Education, Health Nutrition and Child protection and Social Behaviour Change services.

• UNICEF continued to scale up its nutrition response with the screening of over 1.4 million children for acute malnutrition through mobile and fixed health facilities and the treatment of 53,528 children suffering from severe acute malnutrition (SAM).

• 230,579 children and caregivers benefited from structured mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) and information messaging through child-friendly spaces, health facilities, transitional care centers and schools.