To support communities in East Darfur State, IOM with the generous funding support of the European Union, rehabilitated AL-Sadaga Primary Girls School in Abu Karinka locality for 600 students of primary school age.
Attending the opening ceremony on the 12th April 2017, were state and local authorities such as the Humanitarian Aid Commission, the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education and Project Community Improvement Committees as well as pastoral and sedentary community members. The Director General of the State Ministry of Education Mr. Mohamed El-Sherief said “Education is the basis of any kind of development this school is under the responsibility of the community as a whole and not a limited number of people. The additions and improvements clearly show project achievements. We look forward to more improvements in different localities in East Darfur”.
In Abu Karinka the academic year starts in the rainy season interventions such as this help facilitate access to education through maintaining the infrastructure of classes in schools, Mr. El-Sherief also said “this calls for concentrated effort between the local communities and the national and international organizations. Education is the only path out from ignorance and towards advancement of mindsets in short the road towards economic empowerment. This type of project, provides for and protects communities.” The students of Al Sadaga Primary Girls School planted purchased greeneries in the school yard instilling ownership and an environmental conservation aspect to their school. A charter, quoting a local peace promoting proverb was also signed and hung on the school walls using local material; serving as an informal agreement that upholds the students, teachers and committees to social cohesion and peaceful coexistence.
The rehabilitation of the school is part of the Cross Border Peace and Cooperation (CBPC) Project funded by the European Union. The Project, valued at 2 Million EUR and with a duration of 24 months, aims to contribute to Sudan’s development priorities through enabling an environment for community stabilization and peaceful coexistence amongst communities in South and East Darfur States, in areas at the border with South Sudan. Pastoralist and sedentary communities have long coexisted in these areas, in an interdependent relationship traditionally facilitated by trade and commerce, as well as marketing livestock chains.
For further information, please contact Marcello GOLETTI; Tel: +249-9224-06694; Email:
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