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Open Letter: Calling on ICC State Parties to join Lithuania’s referral to the ICC requesting an investigation into alleged crimes against humanity committed by Belarusian authorities
Belarus: Inmate ill-treatment and possible enforced disappearances ongoing concerns, say UN experts [EN/RU]
Informe de la Relatora Especial sobre la situación de los derechos humanos en Belarús, Anaïs Marin (A/79/201)
Maps and Infographics
Belarus + 1 more
Belarus: Humanitarian Response for Children and Refugee Families Outside of Ukraine - One Year of UNICEF Response (24 February 2022 - 24 February 2023)
Belarus + 8 more
Belarus Protection Profiling & Monitoring Factsheet - Profiles, Needs & Intentions of Refugees from Ukraine ( August 2022)
Belarus + 6 more