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Mali + 10 more
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Mali + 8 more
Mali Les inondations continuent de faire des morts et des dégâts importants dans le pays Depuis septembre 2024, les fortes pluies et la montée des eaux du fleuve Niger ont provoqué d’importantes...
Mali + 8 more
Mali Floods continue to cause deaths and significant damage across the country Since the beginning of September, heavy rains and the Niger river’s rising water levels have caused significant flooding...
Mali + 10 more
SITUATION OVERVIEW AND UNICEF PRESENCE Conflict dynamics in the Sahel have been marked by a continuous increase in security incidents targeting civilians since 2019, as well an increasing complexity...
Mali + 17 more
SITUATION OVERVIEW In 2023, children and their families in West and Central Africa remained exposed to fragile and increasingly life-threatening environments, with 48.4 million children in need of...
CONTEXTE Au troisième trimestre 2023, les cercles les plus touchés par les déplacements de populations sont ceux de Macina et Niono dans la région de Ségou et celui deTominian dans la région de San...
Faits saillants Les opérations militaires continuent à impacter les interventions humanitaires dans les régions de Ségou et Mopti. A partir du 15 juillet 2023, des activités dans le domaine de la...
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Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Mali + 2 more
Contexte de protection Le Mali continue à faire face à une crise de protection majeure dans laquelle les populations sont exposées de façon quotidienne à des violations de leurs droits fondamentaux...
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Please refer to the attached Infographic.