Ramallah, Thursday, 06 February 2025 – The Steering Committee of the Sawasya III Joint Programme: Promoting Equal Access to Justice for All Palestinians, a joint initiative of the UNDP, UN Women, and...
Ramallah, Thursday, 06 February 2025 – The Steering Committee of the Sawasya III Joint Programme: Promoting Equal Access to Justice for All Palestinians, a joint initiative of the UNDP, UN Women, and...
AGENDA - Arrival and registration (all participants) - Welcome and introduction (all participants) - Previous meeting action points - Protection Concerns/Gaps/Trends in Relation to CP, GBV, FSL,...
Présidence : Poné Paulin ZOMBRE, Secrétariat Technique de l’Education en situation d’urgence (ST-ESU) Coordinateurs : Racha El Masri, Angeline Neya, Cheick Oumar Sawadogo Agenda Suivi des points d...
World + 3 more
Adopted by the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU), at its 1255th meeting held on 24 January 2025 on Consideration of the Report of the Chairperson of the AU Commission on...
Nigeria + 4 more
Adopted by the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU), at its 1254th meeting held on 13 January 2025, on the Consideration of the Report of the Chairperson of the Commission on...
Agenda 1. Update on Cholera and DF outbreaks situation 2. Discussion on Health cluster preparedness and response plan for 2025 3. Health Partners' Expression of Interest (EoI) to act as HC...
Agenda points Welcome and introductions Review of action points from the last meeting GBV AoR updates Presentation of the 5Ws summary Announcement of 5W training Action plan / Capacity building...
Agenda Welcome and Introductions Introduction of the MHPSS WG: Mandate, Activities, and Potential Collaboration with the VA WG Specific Updates: • Medical Social Expert Commission (MSEC): Update on...
Agenda Welcome and Introductions Updates from VA WG Members Introduction of the MHPSS WG: Mandate, Activities, and Potential Collaboration with the VA WG Specific Updates Medical Social Expert...
Agenda 1. Suivi des points d’action 2. Présentation des résultats de la DTM R9 3. Indice Multisectoriel des Besoins (MSNI) de REACH 4. Divers
COMMUNIQUE Adopted by the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU) at its 1256th Emergency Ministerial meeting held on 28 January 2025 on the Recent Developments in the Eastern...
Excerpt Agenda Items Updates from FMOH and WHO Updates from MHPSS Partners: WARO, Medair. UNFPA Presentation by Trociare MHPSS GBV updates Dashboard Updates 4Ws Update Any Other Business (AoB)
Excerpt AGENDA POINTS Introduction and housekeeping- Husni, Chair AAP WG Where are we on system-wide accountability in Afghanistan - Kate Carey, Deputy Head of OCHA Key trends of Community Voices...
Agenda: 1. Introduction of participants; 2. Update from the Department of Social Protection of the Population; 3. Updates from the GBV AoR: Referral cards & ActivityInfo; 4. Dignity Kits; 5. Updates...
Trente-neuf (22) participants de 12 structures : 1 Structure étatique (DNPSES), 01 ONG nationale (CRM), 07 ONG Internationales (PLAN INTERNATIONAL, WEWORLD, CHEMONICS-PROJET SALAM, ACTED, Oxfam,...
Trente-neuf (56) participants de 19 structures : 2 Structure étatiques (DNPSES, DNDS), 04 ONG nationales (CRM, CARITAS Mali, AMSODE, ADMSM), 12 ONG Internationales (Oxfam, WEWORLD, CRS, PLAN...
Reflections of 2024 emergency response coordination ▪ Violet Tembo presented an update of the emergencies the cluster has been responding to in 2024 highlighting the impact and the response coverage...
Discussions 1. Rationalization and joint mapping of Health and Nutrition services-Health and Nutrition Clusters 2. Update on IMAM guidelines revision- Nutrition Cluster 3. MSNA 2024 Mortality...
Agenda 1. National & Subnational Updates 2. Referral Pathways TT’ Tool overview 3. UHF 2025 First Standard Allocation 4. JMMI overview for December 2024 (preliminary findings) 5. AOB
Agenda Welcome and Introductions Review of the Action Points of the Previous Meeting Co-Chairs Update Briefing on Cash Modalities Survey Update on GFFO-funded DRC-HI project Update on DRC Service...