Introduction During the drought and famine that struck parts of the Horn of Africa in the first months of 2011, infoasaid and ActionAid launched an innovative communications project to support...
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infoasaid/Save the Children Pilot Communications Project: A Learning Review
Introduction “We are illiterate and we realize that information is a powerful tool. Though we are still illiterate now, I can say we are far better than before because of the radio programme.” (Male...
infoasaid/World Vision Kenya Pilot Accountability/Communication Project: A Learning Review
Introduction This report presents the findings of an infoasaid learning review conducted between 09 and 14 July 2012, which sought to examine the implementation and results of a 6-month...
Haiti Media and Telecoms Landscape Guide October 2012
What will be different when the next disaster hits Haiti? The 2010 earthquake in Haiti gave rise to several communications initiatives that helped the local population to deal with the catastrophe...
Chad Media and Telecoms Landscape Guide September 2012
Chad - Government domination of air waves increases In most developing countries the state media are losing ground to private sector competitors. Governments have allowed the establishment of private...
Mozambique Media and Telecoms Landscape Guide, July 2012
Electronic newspapers thrive In Mozambique Radio is still the most important channel of communication for giving people news and information in Mozambique. Rádio Moçambique, the state radio network,...
Learn to Communicate Better with Crisis-Affected Communities
infoasaid is delighted to announce the launch of its e-learning course on communication with crisis-affected communities. The course, called “Communication is Aid”, aims to raise awareness and build...
Niger Media and Telecoms Landscape Guide February 2012
Community radio and mobiles connect Niger The roads in Niger are poor and the distances are great, but the country’s 15 million people are easy to reach by mobiles and radio. infoasaid’s Niger Media...
South Sudan Media and telecoms landscape guide February 2012
Radio & mobile open up South Sudan South Sudan remains threatened by conflict, displacement and severe food shortages. But the rapid spread of FM radio stations and the roll-out of a nationwide...
Yemen Media and Telecoms Landscape Guide February 2012
In Yemen they watch satellite TV Yemen faces an uncertain future following the departure of President Ali Abdullah Saleh after a wave of civic protest and violent rebellion against his authoritarian...
Save the Children launches radio and SMS initiative in NE Kenya
Infoasaid has helped Save the Children to improve its two-way communication with half a million drought-affected people in Northeast Kenya. The project uses mobile telecommunications and community...
Somalia Media and Telecoms Landscape Guide January 2012
Introduction Somalia has been without effective central government since 1991. Since then this semi-arid country of nomadic pastoralists has been torn apart by conflict. It has also suffered...
Ann Kite Yo Pale: Let Them Speak - Best Practice and Lessons Learned in Communication with Disaster Affected Communities: Haiti 2010
Executive summary The 7.0 magnitude earthquake that struck the south of haiti on January 12 th 2010 triggered the largest humanitarian response since the indian Ocean tsunami of 2004. Hundreds of...
Zimbabwe Media and telecoms landscape guide September 2011
Introduction Zimbabwe is at risk of drought, chronic food shortages and conflict as it faces an uncertain political and economic future. The country‟s once prosperous economy, based on agricultural...
Ethiopia Media and telecoms landscape guide September 2011
Introduction Ethiopia is prone to devastating droughts and severe food shortages. This country of 83 million people has a huge rural population dependent on subsistence farming. It has suffered...
Guinea Media and telecommunications landscape guide April 2011
Introduction: Guinea is one of the poorest and most rundown countries in West Africa. But it should be rich. Guinea is the world‟s largest producer of bauxite. This former French colony in West...
Cote d’Ivoire Media and telecoms landscape guide August 2011
Introduction Cote d’Ivoire was slowly returning to peace and normality in the second half of 2011 following eight years of simmering civil war. According to UNHCR, more than 300,000 people were still...
Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal Media and Telecoms Landscape Guide May 2011
Introduction Nepal is a politically fragile country that is still feeling its way towards full democracy after a bitter civil war. At the same time, this poor and mountainous country is dangerously...
Pakistan Media and Telecoms Landscape Guide April 2011
Introduction Pakistan suffers from political instability, the constant threat of war with its larger neighbour India and the overspill of conflict from Afghanistan. This staunchly Islamic country of...
Afghanistan Media and Telecoms Landscape Guide March 2011
Introduction Afghanistan has been engulfed in conflict for more than 30 years. A succession of civil wars and insurgencies have wrecked the country‟s infrastructure, stunted its development and...