CONTACTOS CON LOS MEDIOS DE COMUNICACIÓN IRAP | Spencer Tilger | CWS | M.E. Margolis | HIAS | Rebecca Kirzner | LCSNW | Matt Misterek |...
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CONTACTOS CON LOS MEDIOS DE COMUNICACIÓN IRAP | Spencer Tilger | CWS | M.E. Margolis | HIAS | Rebecca Kirzner | LCSNW | Matt Misterek |...
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MEDIA CONTACTS IRAP | Spencer Tilger | CWS | M.E. Margolis | HIAS | Rebecca Kirzner | LCSNW | Matt Misterek | Lawsuit...
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Desde su toma de posesión, el presidente Trump ha emitido cientos de órdenes ejecutivas, memorandos y proclamaciones, muchos de los cuales están directamente relacionados con la inmigración, el asilo...
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Since taking office, President Trump has issued hundreds of executive orders, memoranda, and proclamations, many of which pertain directly to immigration, asylum, and refugee resettlement. These...
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Lawsuit Was Filed in Federal District Court in Seattle on Behalf of Impacted Refugees and Faith Based Refugee-Serving Agencies (Seattle, WA) – Today, three national and local faith-based...
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In this Regional Overview covering January 2025 United States: Trump’s mass-deportation plans spark a record number of pro-immigration demonstrations Extremism Spotlight: The Trump inauguration: an...
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CWS Furloughs Staff to Maintain Capacity to Serve Vulnerable Clients Washington, D.C.— CWS today expressed deep concern and alarm over the administration’s recent actions severely limiting the...
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Since taking office on January 20, President Trump has issued hundreds of executive orders, memoranda, and proclamations, many of which pertain directly to immigration, asylum, and refugee...
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L’intensification des politiques anti-immigrant·es est une dérive discriminatoire extrême du gouvernement américain. La FIDH et le Center for Constitutional Rights avertissent l’administration Trump...
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Today’s Refugees: In Crisis Without Hope Today, over 122 million people have been forced to flee their homes because of persecution, conflict, and violence. Of those, over 43 million people are...
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El recrudecimiento de las políticas antiinmigrantes expone abiertamente la extrema deriva discriminatoria del gobierno estadounidense. La FIDH y CCR advierten a la administración de Trump que los...
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The intensification of anti-immigrant policies openly exposes the extreme discriminatory drift of the U.S. government. FIDH and CCR warn the Trump administration that the fundamental rights of...
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Washington, D.C. — Church World Service today expressed its deep concern over the Trump administration’s revocation of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for 300,000 Venezuelans living in the United...
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Una amenaza inminente de encarcelamiento prolongado e indefinido (Washington, DC) - El 29 de enero de 2025, el presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, ordenó la construcción de un centro con...
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A Looming Threat of Long-term, Indefinite Detention (Washington, DC) – On January 29, 2025, United States President Donald Trump ordered the construction of a 30,000-bed facility at the Guantánamo...
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Censuramos el restablecimiento por parte de la Administración Trump de la Política Ciudad de México, conocida como Ley Mordaza Global, y su apoyo a la llamada Declaración de Consenso de Ginebra. La...
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January 29, 2025 Asylum, United States In response to the Trump administration memorandum directing the U.S. government to prepare the Guantánamo Bay prison in Cuba to detain migrants, the following...
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Ante las medidas ejecutivas anunciadas por el presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, que incluyen un llamamiento a las expulsiones masivas, declarar el estado nacional de emergencia e invasión,...
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In response to the executive actions announced by US President Trump, including calling for mass deportations, declaring a national emergency and an invasion, militarizing the US-Mexico border,...
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MSF is committed to ensuring people have access to sexual and reproductive health services, but we cannot do it alone. NEW YORK, JANUARY 28, 2025—Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières...