Peace Briefing by David Binder, Dr. Steven Meyer and Obrad Kesic Introduction This is the final of three papers (read the first and second papers) USIP will publish on Bosnia-Herzegovina, each with a...
US Information Agency (USIA) Updates
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U.S. Senate Amendment condemns Russian Policy in Chechnya
(Calls for peace negotiations, humanitarian access) By Jason Weiss, Washington File Staff Writer The U.S. Senate has approved an amendment to the Department of Defense Appropriations Bill calling on...
Statement on Democratic Republic of Congo
(U.S. supports inter-Congolese dialogue) State Department Deputy Spokesman Philip Reeker on June 13 reiterated the United States' "full support for the Inter-Congolese National Dialogue" to bring...
Serbia + 1 more
Rebuilding Kosovo
By Samuel R. Berger (The following, written by President Clinton's National Security Advisor Samuel R. Berger, first appeared as an Op-Ed in the June 10, 2000 edition of The Washington Post. This is...
Demonstrators call for greater U.S. action on Sierra Leone
By Jim Fisher-Thompson Washington File Staff Writer Washington -- Students, human rights activists, and congressional staff members demonstrated outside the State Department May 31, calling for...
Angola + 2 more
Africa: State Department Fact Sheet on Conflict Diamonds
U.S. seeks to curb illegitimate trade in Africa The State Department on May 23 issued a fact sheet outlining U.S. involvement in initiatives that seek "to curb the powerful and far-reaching impact of...
Clinton Authorizes Funds to Support U.N. in Sierra Leone
In a statement released by the White House late May 19, President Clinton said he had authorized the Department of Defense to provide up to $20 million in defense goods and services to support...
Eritrea + 1 more
War Sapping Resources to Fight Famine in Ethiopia
The cycle of famine in Ethiopia will not be broken as long as that country's government continues to spend a third of its budget on its military, warns Congressman Benjamin Gilman (Republican of New...
Eritrea + 1 more
U.S. Africa Subcommittee Chair faults Ethiopia, Eritrea in war
It is a "sad reality," but the governments of Ethiopia and Eritrea "see domestic advantage in making war" with each other, says Congressman Ed Royce (Republican of California), the chairman of the...
Sierra Leonean Ambassador Calls Jackson Mission Positive
By Jim Fisher-Thompson, Washington File Correspondent Washington - A special diplomatic mission to West Africa led by the Reverend Jesse Jackson is a step in the right direction toward resolving...
Special Envoy Jackson begins Mission of Hope to West Africa
By Jim Fisher-Thompson, Washington File Staff Correspondent Washington -- The special envoy for the president and the secretary of state for the promotion of democracy in Africa, the Reverend Jesse...
Eritrea + 1 more
U.S. Drafts Ethiopia-Eritrean Arms Embargo: Wants Security Council vote quickly
By Judy Aita Washington File United Nations Correspondent United Nations -- The United States has presented to the U.N. Security Council a draft resolution that would establish an arms embargo...
President Clinton sends letter on Sierra Leone to Congress
President Clinton has sent the following letter, dated May 12, to the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the United States Senate regarding the "critical"...
Bosnia and Herzegovina + 11 more
Ambassador Richard Holbrooke Surveys U.N. Peacekeeping
"Peacekeepers cannot succeed when there is no peace to keep," the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, warned May 11, while adding that "Sierra Leone,...
Eritrea + 1 more
U.S. Calls on Ethiopia/Eritrea to resume Peace Talks
State Department Spokesman Richard Boucher on May 12 deplored new reports of heavy fighting between Ethiopia and Eritrea. He called on both nations to cease hostilities and to resume peace talks...
U.S. Deputy Rep. to U.N. Issues Statement on Sierra Leone
The United States government and its people view the recent tragic events in Sierra Leone with "shock and dismay," U.S. Deputy Representative to the United Nations James Cunningham told the Security...
DPRK + 1 more
Congressional Committees Vote to Lift Food, Medicine Sanctions
By Merle D. Kellerhals, Jr. - Washington File Staff Writer Washington -- Appropriations committees in both the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate have approved legislation that would lift food...
Clinton Outlines U.S. Response to Sierra Leone Situation
President Clinton said May 11 that the U.S. military will assist U.N. peacekeeping forces in Sierra Leone, providing transport of reinforcements, ammunition and supplies. In a statement released...
U.N. trying to save Sierra Leone Peace Process
(U.S. offers to ferry needed peacekeepers to Sierra Leone) By Judy Aita Washington File United Nations Correspondent United Nations -- Coordinating wide-ranging peacemaking and peacekeeping efforts...
Botswana + 2 more
Regional Flood Control a Top Priority for U.S.-SADC Forum
By Charles W. Corey Washington File Staff Writer Washington -- Regional flood control and disaster preparedness will be high on the agenda of the U.S.-SADC Forum, which will be held in Maputo,...