**ROMA/GINEBRA, 13 de febrero de 2025—** Hoy, la Directora Ejecutiva de ONUSIDA, Winnie Byanyima, se reunió con líderes de la Iglesia Católica como parte de un esfuerzo global para movilizar las...
UNAIDS Updates
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UNAIDS rallies faith leaders in support of the HIV response at the Vatican in Rome
ROME/GENEVA, 13 February 2025—Today, the Executive Director of UNAIDS Winnie Byanyima met with leaders in the Catholic Church as part of a global effort to mobilize voices of faith to stand up in a...
UNAIDS urges countries to invest in HIV prevention as key to ending AIDS
Despite proven effectiveness, UNAIDS is alarmed by a decrease in condom use in several countries Geneva, 13 February 2025– On International Condom Day, UNAIDS and partners are calling for HIV...
The Urgency of Now: Sustaining Health Security and Ending AIDS by 2030 - 38th African Union (AU) Summit Addis Ababa, Ethiopia February 15–16, 2025

THE HIV RESPONSE IN AFRICA IS SHOWING A RETURN ON INVESTMENTS The global HIV response has transformed the lives of tens of millions of people living with, at risk of and affected by HIV on the...
A crisis unfolding: hard-won progress in Ethiopia’s HIV response at risk
Ethiopia has made significant progress in its HIV response in recent years and is on track to reach the UNAIDS 95-95-95 targets with 90% of people living with HIV in the country being aware of their...
Government ensures continuity of treatment in Malawi
10 February 2025 There is minimal disruption to HIV services in Malawi. People living with HIV are receiving services. People living with HIV who go to facilities that have been are closed are being...
Government mitigation measures in Cameroon
The Ministry of Health in Cameroon has developed a set of mitigation measures to ensure continuity of HIV services to people living with HIV and vulnerable populations that could be impacted by the...
Impacts of U.S. pause of foreign assistance on global AIDS programmes in Kenya
Overall National Response A Cabinet memo on the current situation and recommendations for the government of Kenya (GOK) to mitigate the situation has been developed by Ministry of Health and domestic...
Impacts of U.S. pause of foreign assistance on global AIDS programmes in Botswana
09 February 2025 Funding for the HIV Response in Botswana Prior to the U.S pause of foreign assistance, the Government of Botswana funded two thirds of its HIV response (approximately US$ 90 - 95 M)...
Impact of the pause of U.S. foreign assistance in Ethiopia
The pause of U.S. foreign assistance on Ethiopia will affect many areas of development, however its impact on Ethiopia’s national HIV response is particularly severe. Ethiopia is on track to reach...
Youth Next Level: guidance to strengthen sustainable youth-led HIV responses

Youth Next Level is a suite of resources that provides concrete guidance and recommendations on how to effectively support the scale-up of youth-led HIV responses and accelerate the achievement of...
ONUSIDA insta a que continúen todos los servicios esenciales relacionados con el VIH mientras EE.UU. pausa su financiación para ayuda exterior
GINEBRA, 1 de febrero de 2025 — El Programa Conjunto de las Naciones Unidas sobre el VIH/SIDA (ONUSIDA) insta a que se mantengan todos los servicios esenciales relacionados con el VIH mientras...
L'ONUSIDA demande instamment que tous les services essentiels de lutte contre le VIH soient maintenus pendant que les États-Unis suspendent leur financement de l'aide étrangère
GENEVE, 1er février 2025 — Le Programme commun des Nations Unies sur le VIH/sida (ONUSIDA) demande instamment que tous les services essentiels liés au VIH soient maintenus pendant que les États-Unis...
UNAIDS urges that all essential HIV services must continue while U.S. pauses its funding for foreign aid
GENEVA, 1 February 2025 — The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) is urging for a continuation of all essential HIV services while the United States pauses its funding for foreign...
Burundi + 7 more
Impact of community-led and community-based HIV service delivery beyond HIV: Case Studies from Eastern and Southern Africa

The United Nations Member States’ commitments of 2016 and 2021 to end AIDS by 2030 recognize the importance of community leadership in the HIV response. Through the Greater Involvement of People...
Practical approaches and case-based models for reaching men and boys with integrated HIV services

Overview Men lag behind women regarding use of HIV services and represent the majority of individuals living with uncontrolled HIV, advanced HIV, and who experience HIV-related mortality. Men (15+)...
ONUSIDA pide a los líderes que se comprometan en Davos a acelerar el acceso mundial a nuevos y revolucionarios medicamentos de acción prolongada contra el VIH
ONUSIDA pide celeridad y compasión a las empresas farmacéuticas para permitir el acceso a nuevos medicamentos que salvan vidas DAVOS/GINEBRA, 21 de enero de 2025- Hoy, en la reunión anual del Foro...
L'ONUSIDA appelle les dirigeants présents à Davos à s'engager en faveur d'un accès mondial rapide à de nouveaux médicaments révolutionnaires à longue durée d'action contre le VIH
L'ONUSIDA appelle à la rapidité et à la compassion et demande aux entreprises pharmaceutiques de permettre l'accès aux nouveaux médicaments qui sauvent des vies. DAVOS/GENÈVE, 21 janvier 2025 -...
A shot at ending AIDS: How new long-acting medicines could revolutionize the HIV response

UNAIDS calls on leaders at Davos to commit to rapid global access to revolutionary new long-acting HIV medicines UNAIDS urges speed and compassion urging pharmaceutical companies to enable access to...
Efforts to end AIDS in children receive major boost with the launch of the first provincial chapter of the Global Alliance in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
South Africa’s fight to end AIDS in children has received a major boost with the launch of the first provincial Global Alliance chapter in the Eastern Cape province. The Global Alliance is driving a...