The year in review The year 2002 began on a positive note, with the signing of the ceasefire agreement for the Nuba Mountains, a direct result of the initiatives of Senator Danforth. However, while...
UN Operation Lifeline Sudan (OLS) Updates
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UNICEF Operations in South Sudan Monthly Report Aug 2001
DEMOBILIZED CHILD SOLDIERS RETURN HOME The end of August saw the return home of all but a handful of the 3,551 child soldiers brought out of Bahr el Ghazal in February. For six months they had been...
UNICEF Operations in South Sudan Monthly Report May 2001
Child Soldiers Registration activities continued throughout May. A headcount at the transit facilities took place early in the month followed by visits to Bahr el Ghazal by UNICEF staff and others...
UNICEF Operations in South Sudan Monthly Report Apr 2001
87 Deng Nhial Boys Return Home Eighty-seven former child soldiers from the Deng Nhial School for demobilized child soldiers went home this month. UNICEF staff supervised excited groups of boys as...
UNICEF Operations in South Sudan Monthly Report Jan 2001
Twic Olympics Take Off In late January, UNICEF participated in what was dubbed 'The Twic Olympics' - a celebration of community and participation. Men and women of all ages participated in the sports...
UNICEF Operations in South Sudan Monthly Report Dec 2000
Human Rights Day Celebration Special Events in Rumbek UNICEF's Human Rights Promotion section organized a Human Rights Day celebration in Rumbek on 10 December attended by local authorities, civil...
Unicef Operations in south Sudan Monthly Report Nov 2000
Table of Contents Feature: Promotion of Human Rights: Changing Lives Promotion of Human Rights Education Health Water and Environmental Sanitation Airboats, Oxcarts and the Cueicok Community Centre ...
Unicef Operations in south Sudan Monthly Report Oct 2000
Visit of Carol Bellamy to Rumbek UNICEF Executive Director launches Community Centre in Cueicok UNICEF Executive Director, Carol Bellamy, inaugurated the newly built Community Centre in Cueicok...
Unicef Operations in south Sudan Monthly Report Sep 2000
Deng Nhial School, Rumbek Enthusiasm and Initiative Spark Growth UNICEF support continues to the Deng Nhial School for demobilized child soldiers. In support of educational activities, materials,...
UNICEF Operations in South Sudan Monthly Report Aug 2000
Visit of Karin Sham Poo UNICEF Deputy Executive Director The Deputy Executive Director for UNICEF, Ms Karin Sham Poo, visited OLS Southern Sector locations from 21-25 August. Her five-day trip...
UNICEF Operations in South Sudan Monthly Report Jun 2000
Protection Child Soliders Future Search Conference On 5-7 July, UNICEF held a groundbreaking conference in Rumbek on Child Soldiers. The Conference, held in the Future Search format, brought together...
Operation Lifeline Sudan Weekly Report: 02 Feb 2000
Access Issues Air Operations During the reporting period, WFP delivered 562 MTs of food from the northern sector to both northern and southern sector locations in Sudan. The Khartoum-based Illyushin...
Operation Lifeline Sudan Weekly Report: 26 Jan 2000
Access Issues Air Operations During the reporting period, two C-130 Hercules and two Buffalo aircraft continued to deliver food aid from Lokichokio and one C-130 Hercules operated out of El Obeid...
Operation Lifeline Sudan Weekly Report: 19 Jan 2000
ACCESS ISSUES Air Operations During the reporting period, WFP delivered 622 MTs of food to various locations around Sudan from the north sector. Deliveries were 44% higher than the previous week. The...
Operation Lifeline Sudan Weekly Report: 12 Jan 2000
Access Issues Air Operations During the week 25 December 1999 to 1 January 2000, WFP delivered 431 MTs of food from the northern sector to various locations in Sudan. Deliveries were 28% lower than...
Operation Lifeline Sudan Weekly Report: 05 Jan 2000
Access Issues Air Operations During the reporting period, WFP delivered 601 MT of mixed commodities by air from northern sector locations, an increase of 200% over the previous week. The increase was...
Operation Lifeline Sudan Weekly Report: 22 Dec 1999
Access Issues Air Operations During the reporting period, due to the state of emergency in Sudan, air activities in the northern sector were interrupted for one day. Following the state of emergency...
Sudan: Agreement on the Implementation of Principles Governing the Protection and Provision of Humanitarian Assistance to War Affected Civilian Populations
Government of Sudan, Sudan Peoples' Liberation Movement and the United Nations-Operation Lifeline Sudan The Government of the Republic of the Sudan (GOS), the Sudan Peoples' Liberation Movement...
Operation Lifeline Sudan Weekly Report: 12 Dec 1999
Access Issues Air Operations During the week, 651 MT of food was delivered by air from north sector locations, a decrease of 46% over the previous week. The decrease was due to the interruption of...
Operation Lifeline Sudan Weekly Report: 01 Dec 1999
Access Issues Air Operations During the reporting period four C-130 Hercules and three Buffalo aircraft operated out of Lokichokio, and one C-130 Hercules and one Ilyushin-76 operated out of El Obeid...