HIGHLIGHTS Humanitarian challenges: East Asia and the Pacific region is highly vulnerable to disasters, with nine of the world's 24 highest-risk countries. In 2024, it faced record-breaking cyclones,...
DPRK + 17 more
HIGHLIGHTS Humanitarian challenges: East Asia and the Pacific region is highly vulnerable to disasters, with nine of the world's 24 highest-risk countries. In 2024, it faced record-breaking cyclones,...
Myanmar + 3 more
OVERVIEW Throughout 2024, Myanmar experienced intense and widespread conflict, pushing the number of people internally displaced beyond the 3.5 million mark and exacerbating an already dire...
World + 6 more
En Afganistán, Bangladesh, Mozambique, Pakistán y Filipinas, las olas de calor, los ciclones, las inundaciones y las tempestades fueron los fenómenos climáticos que más perturbaron la educación NUEVA...
Afghanistan + 6 more
AFGHANISTAN (HRP) Afghanistan’s humanitarian crisis in 2025 stems from political instability, economic decline, and climate-induced shocks. Nearly 22.9 million people need assistance due to limited...
Afghanistan + 6 more
COUNTRIES WITH HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE PLANS AFGHANISTAN (HRP) Afghanistan is experiencing the residual impacts of decades of conflict, years of drought conditions, chronic and continued poverty, and...
World + 11 more
Nearly a quarter of a billion children’s schooling was disrupted by climate crises in 2024 – UNICEF Education in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Mozambique, Pakistan and the Philippines most severely...
Philippines + 12 more
Please refer to the attached Map.
World + 38 more
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
World + 40 more
Natural disasters 2024 – a loss-heavy year for the insurance market: US$ 140bn in insured losses – since 1980, only two years have been more expensive Weather catastrophes dominant – powerful...
World + 23 more
Please refer to the attached Map.
HIGHLIGHTS & KEY MESSAGES • 2024 has left people in Myanmar grappling with deepening humanitarian crisis, marked by escalating needs amid unabated conflict, recurrent monsoon flooding, and...
World + 21 more
New study: Top 10 climate disasters cost the world billions in 2024 Study identifies the year’s 10 costliest extreme events influenced by the climate crisis - each caused more than $4 billion in...
Foreword Civilians in Myanmar are struggling to survive an unprecedented humanitarian crisis that has upended the lives of millions across the country. Each day they face the painful consequences of...
Myanmar + 3 more
KEY DISPLACEMENT FIGURES 149,000 Estimated refugee outflows to neighbouring countries since 1 February 2021 1,183,300 Refugees and asylum-seekers from Myanmar in neighbouring countries as of 30...
Summary of the crisis Key features Location: Myanmar and surrounding areas Typology: Conflict, displacement, humanitarian access, food security WHO Grade: Protracted Grade 3, Myanmar Conflict and...
Myanmar + 1 more
SITUATION AT A GLANCE 19.9 MILLION People in Need of Humanitarian Assistance in Burma in 2025 UN – December 2024 15.2 MILLION People in Need of Food Assistance in 2025 UN – December 2024 3.5 MILLION...
SITUATION IN NUMBERS* 320 dead, 25 missing, 1,978 injured. 4 million children live in the most affected 14 provinces. 570,000 people with disrupted access to safe drinking water and sanitation. ...
World + 43 more
Latest Food Security Data – December 16, 2024 Domestic food price inflation remains high in many low- and middle-income countries. Inflation higher than 5% is experienced in 68.8% of low-income...
[Excerpt] Background In Myanmar, humanitarian needs continue to increase due to escalating conflicts which continue to cause mass displacement and exacerbate existing vulnerabilities of affected...
Executive Summary Viet Nam was severely affected by Typhoon Yagi (also referred to as Typhoon No. 3) on September 7, 2024, affecting 26 northern and north-central provinces causing 320 deaths, 25...