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World + 20 more
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Philippines + 12 more
The tropical cyclone season across the Western North Pacific basin lasts throughout the whole year, averaging nearly 27 typhoons/tropical storms per year during the reference period 1959-2020. The...
In 2023, natural hazards and conflict affected more than 13.7 million people in the Philippines. Only 11 tropical cyclones (TC) entered the Philippines Area of Responsibility (PAR) in 2023 from an...
Indonesia + 4 more
REGIONAL SUMMARY: For the thirty-third week of 2023, thirteen (13) disaster events reportedly affected the region. Indonesia and Thailand have been reportedly affected. Badan Nasional Penanggulangan...
Philippines + 4 more
REGIONAL SUMMARY: For the thirty-second week of 2023, nineteen(19) disaster events reportedly affected the region. Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam have been...
The Anticipatory Action (AA) Working Group under the Humanitarian Country Team conducted a mapping of AA interventions in the Philippines to determine areas of convergence, presence of existing...
Philippines + 6 more
REGIONAL SUMMARY: For the thirty-firtst week of 2023, twenty (20) disaster events reportedly affected the region. Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Thailand, Philippines, and Viet Nam have been...
Philippines + 1 more
Please refer to the attached Map.
Indonesia + 2 more
INDONESIA The El Niño phenomenon has contributed to a prolonged dry season, resulting in crop failure and drought in the Agandugume and Lambewi sub-districts in Puncak District, Central Papua...
Indonesia + 5 more
REGIONAL SUMMARY: For the thirtieth week of 2023, four (4) disaster events reportedly affected the region. Indonesia and the Philippines were particularly affected. *Badan Nasional *Penanggulangan...
Philippines + 2 more
Please refer to the attached Map.
Philippines + 2 more
PHILIPPINES Heavy rains and strong winds – 140 km/h near the center and gusts up to 170 km/h – due to Typhoon Doksuri, locally known as Typhoon “Egay”, have affected over 11,100 people (3,000...
Indonesia + 3 more
REGIONAL SUMMARY: For the twenty-ninth week of 2023, a total of 20 disasters (floods, landslides, storms, winds, and drought) affected the region. Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam have...