As one of the countries most threatened by climate change, Madagascar is particularly exposed to recurring natural disasters, as demonstrated by the passage of Batsirai and Emnati—two devastating...
Tropical Cyclone Emnati - Feb 2022 Updates
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Rapport de Suivi des Déplacements : Madagascar Grand Sud Est - Régions Atsimo Atsinanana, Fitovinany, Vatovavy (janvier 2023 - juillet 2024)

La côte Est de Madagascar a été frappée en février 2022 par deux cyclones (Bastirai et Emnati) provoquant le déplacement de milliers de personnes qui ont trouvé refuge dans des sites temporaires et...
Madagascar: Tropical Storms and Cyclones DREF Final Report (MDRMG018)

A. SITUATION ANALYSIS Description of the crisis The regions of Vatovavy, Fitovinany, Atsinanana, Atsimo-Atsinanana, and Analamanga experienced several unprecedented disasters caused by tropical storm...
Ethiopia + 4 more
Donors making a difference: CERF helps WHO deliver on its pledge for one billion more people better protected from health emergencies
WHO recognizes the impact achieved in 2023 thanks to the support of donors through the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF). Since its inception in 2006, CERF has been one of WHO’s...
Afghanistan + 9 more
United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) Missions in 2022 (as of 31 Dec 2022)

The United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) system is one of the United Nations’ international rapid response tools to help governments of disaster-affected countries during the...
Évaluation du plan stratégique de pays du PAM à Madagascar 2019-2023

Résumé INTRODUCTION Caractéristiques de l’évaluation 1. L’évaluation du plan stratégique de pays (PSP) établi pour Madagascar pour 2019–2023 a été demandée par le Bureau de l’évaluation du PAM. Elle...
Appel Eclair: Madagascar - Grand Sud et Grand Sud-Est, Janvier 2023 - Mai 2024 Decembre 2023 (Revise en octobre 2023)

Aperçu de la crise Environ 2,29 millions de personnes ont besoin d'une aide humanitaire urgente à Madagascar en 2023 et jusqu’à la moitié de 2024, suite aux cyclones dévastateurs dans le Grand...
Madagascar: 2021-2022 Drought and Cyclone Response in Review

OVERVIEW In 2021, the Grand Sud of Madagascar endured the most acute drought seen by the region in at least 40 years, leading to a severe humanitarian crisis. Following back-to-back droughts during...
Mobile clinics fill health care gap
Antananarivo - Attending a health centre was an "unattainable luxury" after the Batsirai and Emnati cyclones hit Madagascar's south-eastern Vatovavy region in February 2022, cutting off any access to...
Appel Eclair: Madagascar - Grand Sud et Grand Sud-Est, Janvier - Decembre 2023 (Revise en mars 2023)

Aperçu de la crise Environ 3,86 millions de personnes ont besoin d'une aide humanitaire urgente à Madagascar en 2023, suite aux cyclones dévastateurs dans le Grand Sud-Est (régions Vatovavy,...
Côte d'Ivoire + 12 more
CBi Annual Report 2022

The Connecting Business initiative (CBi) Annual Report provides an overview of our activities in private sector disaster preparedness, response and recovery in 2022, plus a look back at the past five...
Afghanistan + 6 more
Alliance Urgences : rapport annuel 2022

Découvrez le nouveau rapport annuel d’Alliance Urgences qui détaille l’ensemble des activités réalisées par notre association en 2022, grâce au soutien de nos donateurs et partenaires. Ce document...
Madagascar: Tropical Storms and Cyclones - Operations Update #5, Emergency appeal N°: MDRMG018

• This Operations Update has been done to inform of the timeframe extension of three months to the Madagascar Tropical Cyclone (TC) Batsiraï and Emnati Emergency Appeal (EA) until 30 September 2023...
Des cliniques mobiles pour une meilleure surveillance sanitaire lors des cyclones à Madagascar
Madagascar – Antananarivo, 30 mai 2023 – « Il y a un an, fréquenter un centre de santé était un luxe pour nous. Après le passage des cyclones Batsirai et Emnati, nous ne pouvions plus accéder aux...
In Madagascar, mobile clinics bolster health surveillance during cyclones
21 June 2023 Madagascar – After the Batsirai and Emnati cyclones hit Madagascar’s south-eastern Vatovavy region in February 2022, Toky Rabemaharo suddenly found himself and his community cut off from...
World + 39 more
Contingency Fund for Emergencies 2022 annual report - Enabling quick action to save lives

Foreword In 2022, WHO and other humanitarian actors responded to an unprecedented number of complex crises, natural disasters and disease outbreaks, along with the continued impact of COVID-19. While...
World + 17 more
ETC Annual Report 2022

FOREWORD Access to information is a unique type of humanitarian aid. It can’t be weighed in metric tons like food or measured in litres, like water. But it fuels hope during challenging times and can...
Flash Appeal: Madagascar - Grand Sud and Grand-Sud-est, January - December 2023 (Revised in March 2023)

Crisis Overview Some 3.86 million people are in need of urgent humanitarian assistance in Madagascar in 2023, following devastating cyclones in the Grand Sud-Est (Vatovavy, Fitovinany and Atsimo...
WFP Madagascar 2022 Annual Country Report Highlights

Thanks to the assistance provided by WFP and partners, famine-like conditions (IPC Phase 5), experienced in 2021 were averted, and emergency levels of acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 4) did not...
Madagascar Annual Country Report 2022 - Country Strategic Plan 2019 - 2023

Overview In Madagascar, WFP seeks to address the underlying causes of food insecurity and malnutrition through the implementation of its Country Strategic Plan. In 2022, WFP had a meaningful impact...