In the nearly two years since war broke out in Sudan, almost one million people have fled into neighbouring Chad, including more than 720,000 Sudanese refugees and more than 220,000 Chadians who...
Chad + 1 more
Chad + 1 more
In the nearly two years since war broke out in Sudan, almost one million people have fled into neighbouring Chad, including more than 720,000 Sudanese refugees and more than 220,000 Chadians who...
As we are about to witness the three-year anniversary of the war in Ukraine since Russian’s full-scale invasion, civilians are bearing the brunt of the war. The conflict remains volatile with an...
Thirty-one months into the Russian-Ukrainian war, civilian cost continues to rise. The latest ground offensives in the Donetsk oblast by the Russian Armed Forces, and in the Kursk oblast by the...
As Member States prepare to attend the UN General Assembly in New York in September, including the General Debate on "Leaving no one behind: acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable...
On World Humanitarian Day, Ukrainian and international humanitarian organizations working in Ukraine pay tribute to humanitarian workers and volunteers who have lost their lives while providing...
August 2, 2024, Port Sudan - The recently published report by the Famine Review Committee has confirmed our worst fears: a man-made famine has taken hold of one of Darfur's largest displacement...
Algeria + 1 more
Madrid/Tinduf, 23 de julio de 2024 El pasado 28 de mayo de 2024, el Congreso de los Diputados del Estado español, aprobó una Proposición No de Ley basada en el llamamiento humanitario lanzado el 13...
Following 14 months of escalating conflict, Sudan has become the world’s largest hunger crisis with over half of the country experiencing severe food insecurity. 25.6 million people are projected to...
Sudan + 2 more
The conflict in Sudan has already created the world’s largest displacement crisis. Now fighting, displacement and lack of humanitarian access to the most vulnerable population places millions at risk...
As the conflict enters its tenth year on March 26, four in every five Yemenis face poverty.1 Today, Yemenis face catastrophic needs driven by the growing economic crisis and ongoing multifaceted...
Algeria + 1 more
The 30% reduction of emergency food rations distributed by the World Food Programme (WFP) since November 2023 is affecting tens of thousands of refugee families who rely exclusively on these rations...
Algeria + 1 more
La réduction des rations alimentaires d’urgence distribuées par le Programme Alimentaire Mondial (PAM) d’environ 30%, depuis novembre 2023, affecte des dizaines de milliers de familles réfugiées qui...
Algeria + 1 more
El Consorcio de ONG que apoya a la población saharaui refugiada en los campamentos de Tinduf (Argelia) desde hace casi cincuenta años, alerta sobre el continuo deterioro de la situación humanitaria,...
Your Excellencies, As esteemed leaders committed to alleviating suffering and ensuring regional stability, we respectfully write to you on behalf of the below listed international and humanitarian...
Ukraine + 1 more
Joint statement – 25 November International and Ukrainian NGOs strongly condemn the latest round of airstrikes across Ukraine by the Russian Armed Forces. News reports estimate that 10 civilians have...
Food security at risk: Today, more than one out of two Central Africans is food insecure according to the World Food Programme (July 2021). In addition, more than one in four people are either...
Une sécurité alimentaire en péril : Aujourd’hui, plus d’un centrafricain sur deux serait en situation d’insécurité alimentaire selon le Programme Alimentaire Mondial (Juillet 2021). Par ailleurs,...
YANGON, April 21 – With shock and sadness 16 humanitarian organizations received the news of a fatal shooting incident involving a vehicle of the World Health Organization (WHO) carrying COVID-19...
The following is a press release (408.34 kB) signed by 35 INGO's working in the Central African Republic Bangui, August 11th 2017 Following the escalation of violence in many parts of the country,...
COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE RCA : Le regain de violence contre les civils menace la fourniture de l’aide humanitaire essentielle et la survie des populations fragilisées par la crise. Bangui, le 11 Août...