In Numbers 14,926 school children assisted with school meals 3,833 households supported through Food for Assets US$ 10.1 million six-month net funding requirements (December 2024–May 2025) ...
Togo + 1 more
Togo + 1 more
In Numbers 14,926 school children assisted with school meals 3,833 households supported through Food for Assets US$ 10.1 million six-month net funding requirements (December 2024–May 2025) ...
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In Numbers 3, 832 households supported through Food for Assets US$ 10.6 million six-month net funding requirements (November 2024–April 2025) Preliminary figures as per ongoing budget revision. ...
Key Messages Although the number of people in need is seasonally low in October 2024 due to improved access to food and income with the harvest, humanitarian assistance needs will begin to rise...
Messages clé Alors que le nombre de personnes dans le besoin est saisonnièrement bas en octobre 2024 grace a l’amelioration de l'accès à la nourriture et aux revenus avec la récolte, les besoins en...
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In Numbers 1,397 households supported through Food for Assets US$ 13.5 million six-month net funding requirements (October 2024–March 2025) Preliminary figures as per ongoing budget revision. ...
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Lomé, Togo – The International Organization for Migration, in collaboration with the Togolese Government, facilitated the voluntary return of 131 migrants (77 men, 54 women, including 28 children)...
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FOOD SECURITY SNAPSHOT Cereal production in 2024 forecast at slightly above-average level Prices of key cereal staples near year-earlier levels About 423 000 people acutely food insecure during 2024...
Key Messages The 2024–2025 agricultural season was marked by atypical rainfall with moisture deficits in the northern part of Togo and the eastern region of the Plateaux, which could negatively...
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In Numbers 3,713 households supported through Food for Assets 63,440 persons supported through general food distributions US$ 18.8 million six-month net funding requirements (September 2024 -...
Messages clé La campagne agricole 2024-2025 a été marquée par une pluviométrie atypique, caractérisée par un déficit pluviométrique dans le nord du Togo et l’est de la région des Plateaux, qui...
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Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Togo + 1 more
In Numbers 3,913 households supported through Food for Asset 63,440 persons supported through general food distribution US$ 17 million six-month net funding requirements (Aug 2024–January 2025) *...
Messages clé Ce mois d’août marque le début de la principale récolte dans la zone sud bimodale où la grande saison des pluies a été marquée par une pluviométrie normale à excédentaire qui a permis un...
Sokodé – In Togo, the health landscape is characterized by high morbidity and maternal mortality rates. According to the National Health Development Plan (NHDP 2023–2027), the maternal mortality...
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Map type: Reference map
Map type: Reference map
Map type: Reference map
Map type: Reference map
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Objectif général Évaluer la situation générale de protection et les besoins prioritaires des demandeurs d’asile, des réfugiés et des personnes déplacées internes dans la région des Savanes au Togo...