El Niño remains active, with a weakening trend evident in oceanic indicators. According to the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, sea surface temperatures in the central tropical Pacific and...
Timor-Leste + 17 more
El Niño remains active, with a weakening trend evident in oceanic indicators. According to the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, sea surface temperatures in the central tropical Pacific and...
Overview Timor-Leste ranks 16th according to the World Risk Index, which indicates the country’s severe exposure, vulnerability, and susceptibility to shocks – as well as the lack of coping and...
World Vision Timor-Leste (WVTL) factsheet displays the results of all the good work that World Vision accomplished in Timor-Leste in partnership with stakeholders, government and the community. More...
Leaving No One Behind (LNOB) tool helps discover how different circumstances interact to create unequal access to basic opportunities in Asia and the Pacific. The LNOB country brief for Timor-Leste...
In 2021, WFP revised and extended its Country Strategic Plan (CSP) 2018-2022 to meet growing needs and ensure food security in Timor-Leste amidst the devastating impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and...
Please refer to the attached Map.
Please refer to the attached Map.
Please refer to the attached Map.
Cyclone Seroja struck Timor-Leste on April 4. Torrential rain resuited in severe flooding and landslides across the country, leaving thousands of people homeless. CVTL’s national disaster workforce...
Please refer to the attached Map.
Please refer to the attached Map.
Please refer to the attached Map.
Please refer to the attached Map.
Cyclone Seroja struck Timor-Leste on April 4. Torrential rain resulted in severe flooding and landslides across the country, leaving thousands of people homeless. CVTLs national disaster workforce in...
Please refer to the attached Map.
This map illustrates satellite-detected water and potentially affected structures in Cristo Rei posto adminstrativo, Dili Municipality, Timor-Leste as observed in Pleiades satellite imagery acquired...
Please refer to the attached Map.
Please refer to the attached Map.
Please refer to the attached Map.
Please refer to the attached Map.