Prepared by the Grand Bargain Secretariat In 2023, the Grand Bargain Signatories agreed as part of the adoption of the Grand Bargain 3.0 Framework to simplify and streamline the annual...
Prepared by the Grand Bargain Secretariat In 2023, the Grand Bargain Signatories agreed as part of the adoption of the Grand Bargain 3.0 Framework to simplify and streamline the annual...
Dear Grand Bargain Signatories, Welcome to the April edition of our bi-monthly update. We are pleased to share the latest updates from the Ambassadors, the Facilitation Group, and the Grand Bargain...
1. The Challenge It is of utmost importance that local/national humanitarian actors lead, participate in and are adequately funded for humanitarian response as they are the ones who know the...
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As part of the implementation of the Grand Bargain commitments, the Grand Bargain Annual Independent Report 2022 (GB AIR 2022) highlights the progress and successes achieved in the different...
Grand Bargain transparency workstream workshop On the 10th and 11th March, the Grand Bargain transparency workstream held a workshop to reflect on its work and review progress and identify collective...
Note d’orientation sur l’intégration de l’égalité de genre dans le processus de localisation La présente note d’orientation a été établie par ONU Femmes et le groupe Informal Friends of Gender Group...
Guidance note on gender-responsive localisation This guidance note was prepared by UN Women and the Grand Bargain Friends of Gender Group and developed through extensive research and three regional...
Guidance note on ways that the arrangements between donors and international intermediaries can promote Grand Bargain localisation goals This guidance note is intended to provide guidance as to how...
Guidance note on the participation of local actors in humanitarian coordination groups This note builds on work done by ALNAP in 2016 on improving humanitarian coordination and the Global Protection...
Guidance note on humanitarian financing for local actors This guidance note draws on best practices identified in consultations in three regional conferences on localisation conducted by the Grand...
Guidance note on partnership practices for localisation More than 400 humanitarian agencies contributed to identifying the priority partnership practices for localisation; approximately 85% of them...
THE GRAND BARGAIN Sub-group on Linking Humanitarian Cash and Social Protection To effectively mitigate the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19, action to realise the Grand Bargain commitments to...
This is a 1-pager highlighting some of the successes and next steps for workstream 7&8 (Enhanced Quality Funding). For further information, don't hesitate to contact the Secretariat. WHAT ARE THE...
Outcome: FoGG priority action points for 2020 The following priority actions points for the FoGG in 2020 were agreed upon: • Initiate a dialogue with donors and UN agencies in the Friends of Gender...
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Please refer to the attached Infographic.
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These are a few examples of implementation of the Grand Bargain commitments by the Signatories at country level in 2018. The examples have been extracted from the Grand Bargain Annual Independent...
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1. Introduction On 23-25 October 2019, the Grand Bargain (GB) Localisation Workstream organised a “global meeting” in Brussels. Hosted by the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and...
UN Women and the Grand Bargain Friends of Gender are organizing a global consultation with the title ‘From words to action: Promoting a gender transformative humanitarian action agenda through the...
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
July and August saw the finalization of the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting 2019 outcome document. It bears witness to the renewed energy that was expressed by the Signatories on 27 June 2019 in Geneva...