Overview This report comprises the active refugee population originating from DRC Kasai region registered by UNHCR with address in Lovua Refugee Settlement until 31st January 2025. UNHCR is...
Angola + 1 more
Overview This report comprises the active refugee population originating from DRC Kasai region registered by UNHCR with address in Lovua Refugee Settlement until 31st January 2025. UNHCR is...
Episcopal Relief & Development Launches Program Backed by Islamic Relief USA To Combat Gender-Based Violence in Liberia Press Release February 6, 2025 Episcopal Relief & Development received a...
CONTEXTE La zone métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince (ZMPAP) reste l’épicentre de la violence et des déplacements en Haïti. Malgré ce contexte difficile, les acteurs humanitaires continuent de...
CONTEXT The Port-au-Prince Metropolitan Area (ZMPAP) remains the epicentre of violence and displacement in the country. Despite this, humanitarians remain present and continue to respond to the...
Samuel Adwok Deng Life for families displaced by conflict is difficult enough. But living in crowded conditions with access to only very basic services can create even greater challenges. Around...
The United Nations Mission to Support the Hudaydah Agreement (UNMHA) has recorded one (01) landmine and explosive remnant of war (ERW) related incident in Hudaydah Governorate in January 2025. In...
Highlights: UNICEF and its partners reached 575,570 people, 294,982 of them children with multisectoral humanitarian response services in 2024. UNICEF and its partners responded to the exceptional...
L’Union européenne devrait prendre des mesures conformes au droit international à l’égard des abus commis en Cisjordanie Claudio Francavilla Directeur adjoint du plaidoyer auprès de l'UE ...
Report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict to the Human Rights Council The year 2024 will remain one of the darkest for children living amidst...
JERUSALEM/ROME – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) Deputy Executive Director Carl Skau appealed today for an increase in international support to boost humanitarian assistance for...
Guatemala + 1 more
Un proyecto de tres años proporcionará herramientas para que familias en áreas sensibles al clima planifiquen mejor la gestión de sus paisajes y mejoren el bienestar de comunidades indígenas y...
Please refer to the attached Map.
Ces informations ont été rapportées par 178 informateurs clés repartis dans 100 localités évaluées du 23 au 25 janvier 2025 suite à l'intensification des affrontements dans le territoire de Masisi...
Please refer to the attached Map.
Guatemala + 1 more
A three-year project will provide tools for families in climate sensitive areas to better plan the management of their landscapes and improve well-being of indigenous and ladino communities. The...
Goma, République Démocratique du Congo, 6 février 2025 – Le Forum des ONG Internationales en RDC avertit que les conflits persistants et les déplacements croissants au Nord et au Sud-Kivu poussent la...
Key findings In December, local markets continued to function reliably, effectively supplying basic needs nationwide despite increased challenges faced by retailers, including a worsening security...
Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo, 6 February 2025 – The Forum of International NGOs in DRC warns that unabated conflict and rising displacement in North and South Kivu are pushing humanitarian...
World + 1 more
The Strategy for Ensuring LGBTIQ Inclusion in Humanitarian Response in Ukraine is a comprehensive framework developed following the First National Forum on LGBTIQ Inclusion in Humanitarian Response,...
Today, we recognise the two years that have passed since Syria and Turkey were struck by the worst earthquake in 20 years. 55,000 people were killed in the disaster, and millions of lives were...