Resumen ejecutivo En 2023, las necesidades humanitarias alcanzaron niveles nunca vistos, debido al aumento de los conflictos armados, a desplazamientos forzados sin precedentes, a la emergencia...
Resumen ejecutivo En 2023, las necesidades humanitarias alcanzaron niveles nunca vistos, debido al aumento de los conflictos armados, a desplazamientos forzados sin precedentes, a la emergencia...
Synthèse En 2023, les besoins humanitaires ont atteint un niveau sans précédent en raison de la multiplication des conflits armés, d’un nombre record de déplacements forcés, et de l’augmentation des...
Executive Summary In 2023, humanitarian needs reached unprecedented levels, driven by increasing armed conflicts, record levels of forced displacement, climate-induced emergencies, and disasters...
¿A QUÉ NOS REFERIMOS CON «LA CENTRALIDAD DE LA NIÑEZ, LA ADOLESCENCIA Y SU PROTECCIÓN»? Colocar la protección de la niñez y adolescencia en el centro de la acción humanitaria es una responsabilidad...
QU’ENTENDONS-NOUS PAR PLACE CENTRALE DES ENFANTS ET DE LEUR PROTECTION ? La place centrale des enfants et de leur protection dans l’action humanitaire est une responsabilité partagée, afin de...
The centrality of children and their protection in humanitarian action is a shared responsibility, to ensure the entire humanitarian system is actively and consciously engaged in realising broader...
The revised CPHA Competency Framework is now available. This new version is more closely aligned with the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS), and reflects our better...
Introduction 1 Making the Global Refugee Compact work for children From the 13th to 15th December 2023, the second Global Refugee Forum (GRF) will bring together governments, people with lived...
OSLO, 5 June 2023 -- A shortfall of nearly $650 million in child protection funding is leaving nearly 18 million vulnerable children and caregivers living in the world's worst humanitarian crises at...
I. Executive Summary Children with disabilities are particularly vulnerable in humanitarian settings, yet they are often not able to access the services and protection they need. While multiple...
1. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF SO YOU CAN SUPPORT CHILDREN • When the stress is too much, take a moment for yourself • Listen to your breath as it goes in and out • You can put a hand on your stomach and...
Author Madeeha Ansari EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The principle of “centrality of protection” in humanitarian action emphasizes the achievement of meaningful protection outcomes as part of a shared mandate for...
This Guidance Note supports the Alliance and INEE’s CPHA-EiE Joint Initiative by orienting both sectors to opportunities for program integration. Through collaboration, both sectors aim to deliver on...
This guidance sets out how to design and adapt cash and voucher assistance so it can be used as an intervention to address the needs of child-headed households (CHH) and unaccompanied children (UAC)...
By Hannah Thompson, Julia Grasset, and Lauren Murray 1. INTRODUCTION In many settings impacted by crises, markets are functioning, but affected populations do not have the means to purchase items to...
1. Introduction and User Guide Thousands of children in situations of armed conflict are doubly victimized; first, at the hands of armed groups or forces that recruit and use them in their ranks, and...
Funds to protect children in crises fail to keep up with skyrocketing needs Funding for child protection in the world’s worst crises dropped from 42% of the amount required in 2019 to 24% in 2020,...
Children make up 50% of populations affected in humanitarian settings and are disproportionately impacted by conflict and crisis. Thus, making sure they are at the centre of humanitarian action is as...
World + 5 more
Resumen ejecutivo Las escuelas de todo el mundo ofrecen servicios formales e informales interconectados a niños, niñas y adolescentes. Estos servicios se centran no solo en el rendimiento académico,...
Introduction RATIONALE There has been an increase in frequency of infectious disease outbreaks worldwide over the past 40 years.1 Globalisation and the related increased movement of people and goods...