Thank you, Mr. President. Mr. President, since I last addressed this Council, we have witnessed a significant, albeit fragile, development in the Middle East with the ceasefire in Gaza. We have also...
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Türkiye + 10 more
MPM Türkiye Overview of Migrant Situation: Migrant Presence Monitoring Situation Report - January 2025

According to the latest figures from the Turkish Presidency of Migration Management (PMM), there are more than 4.1 million foreigners in Türkiye, of whom 3.1 million are seeking international...
Ukraine + 23 more
UNHCR Europe situations: Data and trends - Arrivals and displaced populations (December 2024)

UKRAINE SITUATION The war in Ukraine triggered a major increase in humanitarian needs due the mass internal displacement within Ukraine as well as refugee outflows. By the end of December 2024,...
Discussion on the National Employment Policy – Meeting of the High Committee for Workforce Planning and Employment [EN/AR]

With the participation of the International Labour Organization (ILO), Iraq's High Committee for Workforce Planning and Employment held its first meeting of 2025 to discuss the final draft of the...
Dreaming of Tomorrow: Education as a lifeline in Burkina Faso
In Burkina Faso, thousands of displaced people are demonstrating remarkable resilience in the face of hardships caused by insecurity. Thanks to education and agriculture projects, displaced children,...
Mr. Tom Fletcher, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator – Briefing to the Security Council on the humanitarian situation in Yemen, 13 February 2025

London, 13 February 2025 As delivered Thank you, Mr. President. I also thank Special Envoy Grundberg for his energetic commitment to peace in Yemen. Mr. President, I hope the Council will join me in...
World | Temperature anomalies in January 2025 - DG ECHO Daily Map | 13/02/2025

Please refer to the attached Map.
Mali : L'UA devrait prendre des mesures pour mettre fin à la répression de l'opposition et de la dissidence
Disparitions forcées et détentions pour des motifs politiques (Nairobi) – La Commission africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples (CADHP) devrait prendre des mesures urgentes pour mettre fin à...
GIEWS Country Brief: The Republic of Costa Rica 13-February-2025

FOOD SECURITY SNAPSHOT Paddy production in 2024 estimated to contract for third consecutive year Import requirements for 2024/25 marketing year (July/June) forecast above average Stable rice prices...
USA + 1 more
Una nueva demanda impugna la suspensión por Trump del programa de reasentamiento de refugiados y la congelación de su financiación
CONTACTOS CON LOS MEDIOS DE COMUNICACIÓN IRAP | Spencer Tilger | CWS | M.E. Margolis | HIAS | Rebecca Kirzner | LCSNW | Matt Misterek |...
USA + 1 more
New lawsuit challenges Trump suspension of refugee resettlement program and freeze of refugee funding
MEDIA CONTACTS IRAP | Spencer Tilger | CWS | M.E. Margolis | HIAS | Rebecca Kirzner | LCSNW | Matt Misterek | Lawsuit...
Uganda Multi-Hazard Report, January 2025 (Published: 13th February 2025)

Observations for January 2025 o Severe fires were the most reported hazard in the month of January 2025 in Buvuma, Buikwe, Apac, Adjumani and the Karamoja sub region in districts such as Kaabong,...
HIAS se une a la demanda contra la interrupción de la ayuda exterior
Silver Spring, Maryland HIAS, la agencia internacional de la comunidad judía para los refugiados, se enorgullece de unirse a varias otras organizaciones y empresas humanitarias y de desarrollo...
HIAS joins lawsuit challenging halt in foreign assistance funding
Silver Spring, Md — HIAS, the Jewish community’s international agency for refugees, is proud to join several other global humanitarian and development organizations and companies in a lawsuit seeking...
USA + 2 more
Los derechos de los refugiados y la Administración Trump: Tercera semana
Desde su toma de posesión, el presidente Trump ha emitido cientos de órdenes ejecutivas, memorandos y proclamaciones, muchos de los cuales están directamente relacionados con la inmigración, el asilo...
Promoting DDR programmes while arming non-state armed groups: Congo’s paradoxical conflict resolution policies in the context of the M23 insurgency

Author: Erik Gobbers When President Félix Tshisekedi came to power in 2019, he firmly promised the Congolese citizens to end the conflicts and restore peace in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo...
9 million Vaccine Doses Administered to Children Living in Humanitarian Settings in the Horn of Africa
Gavi and IRC’s REACH consortium administered 9 million vaccine doses, protecting against diseases such as measles and diphtheria Consortium negotiates access to reach 96% of communities in...
USA + 2 more
Refugee Rights and the Trump Administration: Week Three
Since taking office, President Trump has issued hundreds of executive orders, memoranda, and proclamations, many of which pertain directly to immigration, asylum, and refugee resettlement. These...
Chad + 1 more
Chad: Overview of the 2025 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan (abridged version)

Chad is experiencing a complex humanitarian crisis, aggravated by climatic shocks, conflicts and health emergencies. Almost 40% of the population, or 7 million people, need humanitarian assistance...
Chad + 1 more
Tchad : Besoins et Plan de Réponse Humanitaire (en un clin d’oeil)

Le Tchad traverse en 2024 une crise humanitaire complexe, aggravée par les chocs climatiques, les conflits et les urgences sanitaires. Près de 40 % de la population, soit 7 millions de personnes, a...