Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Highlights At the start of the year, IOM was conducting an average of 1,000 consultations per week. At the height of the latest escalation in fighting in April, that number more than doubled. IOM...
Contents Access and Utilisation Slide 2 Map 1 Map of consultations by county (2017) Indicator-based surveillance Slide 3 Figure 1 Proportional mortality Slide 4 Figure 2 Proportional morbidity Slide...
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
World + 25 more
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
South Sudan + 2 more
SITUATION OVERVIEW At least 200,000 people were forced to flee their homes due to the escalation of conflict in multiple locations in April 2017. By the end of the month, 3.8 million South Sudanese...
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
South Sudan + 6 more
PEOPLE IN NEED IN 2016: 6.1 M PEOPLE TARGETED IN 2016: 5.1 M PEOPLE REACHED BY THE END OF Q4 2016: 5.1 M Over the course of 2016, the humanitarian crisis in South Sudan deepened and spread,...
South Sudan + 6 more
PEOPLE IN NEED IN 2016: 6.1 M PEOPLE TARGETED IN 2016: 5.1 M PEOPLE REACHED BY THE END OF Q4 2016: 5.1 M In the fourth quarter of 2016, South Sudan’s humanitarian crisis continued to deepen and...
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
South Sudan + 5 more
PEOPLE IN NEED IN 2016 6.1M PEOPLE TARGETED IN 2016 5.1M PEOPLE REACHED BY THE END OF Q3 2016 4.2M The third quarter of 2016 saw the rapid deterioration of the humanitarian situation in South Sudan...
South Sudan + 6 more
During December, displacement was reported in Central Equatoria, Western Equatoria, Western Bahr el Ghazal, Upper Nile and Unity. In Central Equatoria, new arrivals, mainly from Yei and Morobo,...
South Sudan + 5 more
During November, the refugee outflow to neighbouring countries continued, with an average of 2,480 South Sudanese arriving in Uganda daily, the majority from the Greater Equatoria region. At the same...
Sudan + 2 more
Sudan - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #5, Fiscal Year 2016
Ethiopia + 12 more
OVERVIEW Throughout the region, heavy rains that intensified in late April have resulted in excessive flooding, affecting more than half a million people; damaging infrastructure and livelihoods and...
Sudan + 1 more
Sudan: CERF 2015 allocations overview Sudan received $24 million in three grant allocations in response to the urgent and critical needs in 2015. Under the Rapid Respond Window, a total of $9 million...
Sudan + 1 more
OVERVIEW In 2015, the Sudan Humanitarian Fund (formally known as the Common Humanitarian Fund) allocated a total of US$53 million through standard allocation rounds, core pipeline and reserve for...
Strategic objectives of the 2015 Humanitarian Response Plan Strategic objective 1 Save lives and alleviate suffering by providing multi-sector assistance to people in need. Strategic objective 2...