Heavy monsoon rains over the last month have caused widespread flooding of homes, livestock, food stores and farmland in Pakistan’s southern province of Sindh. The plight of the affected,...
Presbyterian World Service & Development (PWS&D) Updates
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Tanzania + 3 more
PWS&D Expands East Africa Drought Response
Famine, food shortages, malnutrition, massive loss of livestock and skyrocketing food prices continue to affect more than 11 million people in East African countries as drought and hunger spread...
Somalia + 1 more
PWS&D Increases Response in East Africa
As famine and drought continues to spread across countries in the Horn of Africa, PWS&D is increasing its response to this crisis by working through the ACT Alliance to support Somali refugees...
PWS&D Responding to East African Famine
PWS&D is working in partnership with Canadian Foodgrains Bank to support the people of Eastern Africa as they suffer from the worst drought to hit the region in 60 years. The World Food Program...
Gifts of Change Update: Caring for Vulnerable Children in Afghanistan through PWS&D
Gifts to the PWS&D Care for a Child program (#PWEDU01) are helping vulnerable children around the world attend school in order to reach for their dreams. Afghanistan is a country suffering from years...
Egypt + 2 more
PWS&D Responding in Libya
The ongoing conflict in Libya between Gaddafi’s government and opposition forces—predominantly on the northern coast—has resulted in massive numbers of civilians fleeing the violence. Since the...
Detailed Update on the Situation in Japan, May 12, 2011
On March 11, a 9.0-magnitude earthquake struck the north-eastern coast of Japan, triggering a massive tsunami that washed away several coastal cities, destroyed critical infrastructure, including...
PWS&D Enewsletter (Issue 23 – April 2011): Update on Japan
This issue provides an update on the provision of medical care and emergency supplies in Japan following the earthquake and tsunami. Two new resources are now available for order and download:...
Pakistan Travel Blog: Small Steps Lead to Big Changes
Mirpurkhas, Pakistan Everywhere we travel here, a giant dust cloud follows close behind. The land is so dry the earth cracks and the sun scorches. Having arrived in the city of Mirpurkhas, Sindh...
Pakistan Travel Blog: Flood Relief in Swat Valley
PWS&D communications coordinator, Barb Summers, is currently visiting program partners in Pakistan along with PWS&D program coordinator, Alex Macdonald, and Canadian Foodgrains Bank communications...
PWS&D's Response to Haiti Cholera Outbreak
in International Tuesday, 26 October 2010 An outbreak of cholera is sweeping across northern parts of Haiti, having already hospitalized 3,000 people and claimed over 250 lives. The disease is an...
Supporting Health and Livelihood Restoration in Pakistan
Supporting Health and Livelihood Restoration in Pakistan When the floods hit Royan Bibi's neighbourhood, the 50-year-old woman watched helplessly as her house and all her possessions washed away...
Hungary Update: Reaching Out to Those in Need
Over 550 families in the villages of Kolontar and Devecser are affected by the toxic red sludge that burst from a nearby alumina plant reservoir in Ajka, Hungary earlier this month. The flood caused...
PWS&D Launches Food Assistance Program in Wake of Pakistan Floods
Wednesday, 11 August 2010 Monsoon rains and severe flooding have washed away tens of thousands of homes and killed as many as 1,500 people in Pakistan. In some of the worst flooding ever recorded in...
Moderator of Presbyterian Church of Nigeria Warns Against Full War in Jos
The following is a statement from The Presbyterian Church of Nigeria (PCN) on the current crisis in that country. The PCN has a long history of partnership with The Presbyterian Church in Canada...
Update from Haiti - Canadian Government Matching Individual Donations to PWS&D
More than a million people are homeless in the wake of Tuesday's 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti's capital city, which destroyed about three-quarters of the city's houses. The Red...
Haiti Earthquake Appeal
A massive 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Port-au-Prince, the capital of impoverished Haiti on Tuesday, causing widespread death and destruction and leaving relief workers scrambling to pull people...
Emergency relief needed following Malawi earthquake
PWS&D is responding the emergency situation in Malawi following a series of powerful earthquakes that struck in the northern end of the country beginning on 23 November and continuing for several...
Malawi: PWS&D project update - providing clean water
Millions of people do not have access to one of the most basic requirements of life: clean water. Gifts to PWS&D's Clean Water and Sanitation project are changing this reality through the...
PWS&D responding in El Salvador: Severe rains leave 14,000 homeless
On November 8, 2009, as much rain fell on El Salvador in four hours as in four days of Hurricane Mitch in 1998. Landslides and flooding claimed the lives of over 150 people and has left over 14,000...