IOM Vision IOM partners with the government at national and sub-national levels to respond to complex emergencies, reduce and mitigate the impacts of disaster displacement, and build peace. IOM works...
IOM Vision IOM partners with the government at national and sub-national levels to respond to complex emergencies, reduce and mitigate the impacts of disaster displacement, and build peace. IOM works...
NATIONAL SOCIETY PROFILE The Papua New Guinea Red Cross Society was established by an Act of Parliament in 1976 and admitted to the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent...
Excerpt NATIONAL SOCIETY PROFILE Established by an Act of Parliament in 1976, the Papua New Guinea Red Cross Society acts as an official auxiliary to the Papua New Guinea Government on delivering...
Situation Overview Between May and July 2022, the period of the national general election, violence has escalated in parts of the Highlands region. The presence of security personnel in the...
Key Figures $112.8 million financial requirement through December 2020 4.6 million people in need nationwide 2.3 million people targeted 0.5 doctors and 5.3 nurses per 10,000 people 46% of people...
Key Figures 1.7 million people potentially affected nationwide 2.3 million people in high-priority provinces 0.5 doctors and 5.3 nurses per 10,000 people 45% of people have access to improved...
SITUATION OVERVIEW On 26 February 2018, a 7.5 magnitude earthquake hit the Highlands Region of Papua New Guinea (PNG) affecting around 544,000 people in Enga, Gulf, Hela, Southern Highlands and...
SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS ENSO forecast from global centers indicate a 50% chance of El Niño conditions developing during the second half of 2017. There are chances for the current persisting neutral...
In Papua New Guinea, eighty percent of the population is semi-dependent on rain-fed subsistence farming, and more than three quarters of the food consumed in the country is locally grown. As a...
Executive summary The Pacific islands are uniquely vulnerable to a variety of unpredictable events - natural disasters, including potential climate change impact, as well as health emergencies. The...
This Emergency Appeal seeks CHF 740,642 (USD 672,146 or EUR 452,390) in cash, kind, or services to support the Papua New Guinea National Society (PNGRCS) to assist 13,000 beneficiaries for 3 months. ...
The Federation's mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. It is the world's largest humanitarian organization and its millions of volunteers are...
The Federation's mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. It is the world's largest humanitarian organization and its millions of volunteers are...
This Programme Update is intended for reporting on Annual Appeals. Appeal Target CHF1,732,663; (revised) Period covered: June - December 2002. Last Programme Update issued Programme Update No. 1 in...
As the new Secretary General of the Papua New Guinea Red Cross Society (PNGRCS) is fully functional after one year in her place, the roles of PNGRCS as an implementer and the International Federation...
Despite slow funding, projects featured in the appeal are moving forward, notably the installation of safe water supplies, the training of health personnel and support for community health measures...
appeal no. 22/98 situation report no. 5 period covered: 22 October - 1 December 1998 Resettlement of displaced villagers is moving ahead and, in parallel, Red Cross medium term projects are taking...
appeal no. 22/98 situation report no. 4/98 period covered: 15 August - 21 October 1998 As the emergency phase of relief operations has passed, the International Federation and the Papua New Guinea...
appeal no. 22/98 situation report no. 3 period covered: 1 - 13 August 1998 After an overwhelming response to the disaster that amply covered immediate needs, the emergency phase of the operation has...
appeal no. 22/98 situation report no. 2 period covered: 24 - 31 July 1998 The Tsunami disaster, while devastating in the numbers it killed, has nonetheless proved to be relatively manageable in terms...