The recent military escalation in Northwest Syria is creating an acute and growing Humanitarian crisis as the Syrian NGO Alliance (SNA), a coalition representing the leading NGOs in Syria and our...
The recent military escalation in Northwest Syria is creating an acute and growing Humanitarian crisis as the Syrian NGO Alliance (SNA), a coalition representing the leading NGOs in Syria and our...
Thousands of children in northwest Syria are denied access to proper healthcare and education, having to live under the threat of cholera amid harsh living conditions and a worsening economy. The...
New York, NY, June 11, 2021 — Aid agencies are warning of a looming humanitarian catastrophe if the UN Security Council fails to renew a resolution allowing lifesaving aid delivered cross-border to...
This working document aims to outline the risks that can have an impact on Cash and Voucher Assistance programming in Northwest Syria and identify mitigation measures that can help aid agencies...
Syria + 1 more
Thursday, 11 March 2021 - 35 of the leading aid agencies have joined together to warn of the suffering and increased, irreversible, damage if the growing humanitarian needs in Syria are not met and a...
Three million civilians in northwest Syria are scared and many are homeless. With no concrete actions taken beyond political statements and promises, Syria and the world may soon be witnessing the...
1. INTRODUCTION More than five years since the conflict in Syria began, over 250,000 people have been killed, 6.5 million have become Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and an estimated 4.8 million...