We, the Northwest Syria NGO Forum, comprising 100 International and Syrian NGOs, express our profound concern regarding the escalating hostilities across Northwest Syria. We urgently call all parties...
We, the Northwest Syria NGO Forum, comprising 100 International and Syrian NGOs, express our profound concern regarding the escalating hostilities across Northwest Syria. We urgently call all parties...
Amman, Jordan - The second edition of the "Hear Our Voice" conference was held in Amman, Jordan on September 3-4 and brought together civil society organizations (CSOs), humanitarian agencies, and...
Funding pledged at Brussels VIII Conference to support Syria and the Region falls short of the growing humanitarian needs in Syria, warned over 100 aid agencies. The amounts pledged this year by the...
The Ministerial Segment of the Brussels 8 Conference must pave the way towards a political solution, de-escalation of violence, improved humanitarian access and adequate flexible funding to support...
Introduction Syria continues to be one of the world’s largest and most complex humanitarian emergencies, with catastrophic results for communities across the country. As the crisis enters its 14th...
Syria + 1 more
On this day, February 6, 2024, we commemorate one year since two devastating earthquakes struck Northwest Syria (NWS) and Türkiye, followed by another one on February 20. The Northwest Syria NGO...
The humanitarian community operating in Northwest Syria welcomes the extension of access through the Bab Al Hawa crossing point for another 6 months, however, raises concerns over the vulnerability...
Today marks a week since the onset of the ongoing escalation of attacks in Northwest Syria (NWS). The NGO Forum reiterates its condemnation of belligerent attacks on civilians and urges all parties...
NGOs operating in Northwest Syria are deeply concerned about the ongoing escalation in violence, as well as the targeted attacks on civilians, civilian infrastructure, and humanitarian workers taking...
NGO Forums representing over 100 Syrian and international humanitarian organisations condemn, in the strongest possible terms, today’s failure of the UN Security Council to extend the authorisation...
Syria + 1 more
Over 100 aid organisations are calling for immediate and sustained international support to prevent further loss of life from the earthquake that has hit Syria and Türkiye today. Humanitarian...
Thousands of children in northwest Syria are denied access to proper healthcare and education, having to live under the threat of cholera amid harsh living conditions and a worsening economy. The...
Today, we celebrate the remarkable achievements and commitment of humanitarian aid workers around the globe who have lost their lives serving those harder to reach. More than 460 aid workers lost...
On 22 July, an indiscriminate airstrike hit towns in Jisr Al-Shoghour in western Idleb, northwest Syria. The horrifying strike has resulted in the destruction of civilian homes, the killing of 7...
Statement on behalf of the Syria INGO Forum (SIRF) & Northwest Syria NGO Forum Whilst the passing of UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2642 on 12th July will enable UN cross-border operations to...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Syria INGO Regional Fourm (SIRF) and NGO Forum for Northwest Syria condemn in the strongest terms possible the failure of the UN Security Council to authorise a resolution...
The United Nation Security council will vote this week on reauthorizing the 2585 resolution, which allows lifesaving aid to be delivered to Northwest of Syria through the last border crossing...
In 2014, the UN Security Council authorized a UN-led cross-border humanitarian response to reach millions of vulnerable and out-of-reach Syriansthrough Resolution 2565. Since then, the number of...