Highlights 15 security incidents were registered in Diffa in November, including two attacks by ex-Boko Haram on health centers (N’Garwa Koura and N’Galewa, where one worker was killed), and one...
Niger + 1 more
Highlights 15 security incidents were registered in Diffa in November, including two attacks by ex-Boko Haram on health centers (N’Garwa Koura and N’Galewa, where one worker was killed), and one...
Niger + 1 more
Description of the disaster On 12 December 2014, 10 cases of cholera were reported in the Chetmari area of Diffa region of Niger. By 14 December 2014, 91 cases and four deaths had been reported and...
Niger + 1 more
A. Situation analysis Description of the disaster On 12 December 2014, 10 cases of cholera were reported in the Chetmari area of Diffa region of Niger. By 14 December 2014, 91 cases and four deaths...
Niger + 4 more
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
World + 42 more
Snapshot 15–21 July 2015 Iraq: More than 74,440 people have been displaced from Saqlawiyah in Falluja district since 8 July, and tens of thousands reportedly remain trapped in Falluja and Ramadi...
Sierra Leone + 15 more
In this bulletin, it is important to note that the Ebola outbreak in Liberia ended on 9 May 2015. This is a significant achievement given the fact that the out- break was ongoing for over a year and...
Niger + 1 more
Interview with Abdalla Hussein, MSF’s emergency coordinator in Diffa, Niger With the arrival of thousands of people to Diffa town, fleeing from possible attacks by the armed group Boko Haram in the...
Nigeria + 5 more
Au 05 avril 2015, la région de l’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre a enregistré environ 7,837 cas et 142 décès (Let = 1.8%) de choléra dans 6 pays. ———————————— As of 05th April 2015, 7,837 cases...
Niger + 1 more
A. Situation analysis Description of the disaster On 12 December 2014, 10 cases of cholera were reported in the Chetmari area of Diffa region of Niger. By 14 December 2014, 91 cases and four deaths...
Niger + 4 more
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Niger + 1 more
Faits saillants La finalisation du plan de réponse pour 50 000 personnes déplacées dans la région de Diffa à la suite des évènements du 6 février 2015 est en cours. Un retour timide des personnes...
Niger + 4 more
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Nigeria + 5 more
Au 22 mars 2015, la région de l’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre a enregistré environ 7,037 cas et 138 décès (Let = 2.0%) de choléra dans 6 pays. *Ces chiffres ne comprennent pas les données de la RD...
Niger + 1 more
HUMAN RESOURCES: SCALING UP OF UNICEF PRESENCE IN THE FIELD • One UNICEF focal point in Diffa since 2013, in charge of monitoring UNICEF emergency response at sub-national level. • HR support from...
Niger + 1 more
HIGHLIGHTS: Two health districts are affected by a meningitis epidemic; 11 are affected by measles. 44 per cent of households interviewed in Diffa during February need immediate food assistance. One...
Niger + 4 more
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Niger + 1 more
FAITS SAILLANTS Deux districts sanitaires sont touchés par une épidémie de méningite contre 11 districts affectés par une épidémie de rougeole. 44 pour cent des ménages enquêtés à Diffa en février...
World + 45 more
Snapshot 25–31 March 2015 Ukraine: Fears are growing of a new offensive in Mariupol, as non-government troops appear to be gathering nearby. A recent assessment has found that more than 1.6 million...
Nigeria + 5 more
As of 08th March 2015, 6,482 cases and 134 deaths (CFR=2.1%) of cholera have been registered in the West and Central Africa region in 6 countries. *The figures are not taking into account cholera...
World + 44 more
Snapshot 18-24 March 2015 Syria: The Government carried out over 10,000 airstrikes between October and March, dropping more than 5,300 barrel bombs and killing almost 2,200 civilians. A chlorine...