CONTEXT On September 8, 2023, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake and its aftershocks resulted in the deaths of 2,946 people and injury to nearly 5,700 others in central Morocco, with the highest number of...
Morocco + 1 more
CONTEXT On September 8, 2023, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake and its aftershocks resulted in the deaths of 2,946 people and injury to nearly 5,700 others in central Morocco, with the highest number of...
Sudan + 34 more
Le déplacement interne en Afrique a triplé depuis l'adoption il y a 15 ans d'un traité visant à y rémedier L'Afrique abrite 35 millions de personnes déplacées à l'intérieur de leur propre pays, soit...
Sudan + 34 more
Internal displacement in Africa triples in 15 years since landmark treaty to address it Africa hosts 35 million internally displaced people (IDPs), nearly half of the global total 32.5 million of...
A. SITUATION ANALYSIS I. Description of the crisis On 8 September 2023, Morocco was struck by a 6.8 magnitude earthquake, centered in the High Atlas Mountains, 71km southwest of Marrakech. Followed...
World + 9 more
By Lars Bromley, Kersten Jauer, and Yossi Matias Lars Bromley is a Specialist at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research – United Nations Satellite Center Kersten Jauer is the Deputy...
World + 11 more
Executive Summary Compared with the average for the last 30 years (1993-2022), the frequency of global natural disasters was 3% less in 2023, the affected population was 53% less, the death...
A Historic Disaster On the night of 8 September 2023, a massive 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck central Morocco, killing families in their beds and flattening whole villages. Just 19 minutes later, a...
Morocco + 9 more
Direct Relief's Humanitarian Activity for the week of 09/13/2024 - 09/20/2024 By Staff Over the past 7 days, Direct Relief has delivered 604 shipments of requested medical aid to 50 U.S. states and...
The first woman shelter officer for the Moroccan Red Crescent, Naima’s knowledge of the local language and culture helps ensure the humanitarian response meets the needs of the entire community. When...
September 8, 2024 – Just before midnight on September 8 last year, a devastating earthquake struck Morocco’s Al-Haouz province killing an estimated 30,000 people and leaving about 380,000 people...
World + 9 more
The Hope We Share Marking 65 Years of Impact In the past year, we have witnessed the far-reaching consequences of inadequate access to health care and a devastating list of crises. Stark increases in...
Cáritas Española ha destinado hasta ahora 480.000 euros para responder a la emergencia humanitaria y comenzar a reconstruir los medios de vida de las poblaciones más remotas El año que siguió al...
Le 8 septembre 2023 : une nuit tragique qui a changé des vies Tout a basculé en quelques secondes. Le sol a tremblé avec une force de 6,8 sur l’échelle de Richter, frappant de plein fouet le Haut...
One year on from the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Morocco, many survivors are still struggling to rebuild and recover and need ongoing support, Islamic Relief says. Thousands of families...
On September 8, 2023, a devastating 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck central Morocco, causing destruction across the high-altitude Atlas Mountains region. The earthquake displaced thousands and...
The joint work of the three main Caritas organizations in the region has made it possible to provide humanitarian aid and begin to rebuild the livelihoods of the most remote populations. Cáritas...
Morocco + 1 more
Benghazi / Rabat / Beirut / Geneva, 4 September 2024 – One year after the devastating earthquake in Morocco and catastrophic floods in Libya, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red...
A. SITUATION ANALYSIS I. Description of the crisis On 8 September 2023, Morocco was struck by a 6.8 magnitude earthquake, centered in the High Atlas Mountains, 71km southwest of Marrakesh. Followed...
In September 2023, an earthquake struck the region southeast of Marrakech, profoundly impacting the population who faced immense challenges in the aftermath. Caritas Marocco launched an emergency...
World + 9 more
Welcome to the IFRC’s Annual Report for 2023. This report details how the IFRC supported the principled local humanitarian action of 191 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in 2023, and how...