News Release No: 2001/150/LAC WASHINGTON, December 8, 2000-The World Bank yesterday approved a $404 million loan to support a wide-ranging initiative by the Government of Mexico to reduce the...
Mexico: Earthquake - Sep 1999 Updates
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Türkiye + 5 more
Reducing 'Preventable' Costs of Natural Disasters Vital for Developing Countries
2000/189/S WASHINGTON, February 2, 2000 -- An international partnership designed to reduce the human and economic costs of natural disasters in the developing world will be launched here tomorrow by...
Colombia + 6 more
OXFAM Emergencies Bulletin Dec 1999 Latin America/Caribbean
Hurricane Mitch Hurricane Mitch's week-long path of destruction through Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala at the end of October 1998 left thousands dead and missing, hundreds of...
Mexico: Respaldo a damnificados con recursos que deposita el propio pueblo en el Gobierno
Comunicado No. 1844 - Los Pinos, noviembre 6, 1999. Total apoyo a las 120 mil familias afectadas por los fenómenos naturales hasta que normalicen su vida y sus tareas. Etapa de reconstrucción en los...
Mexico: Respuesta al terremoto y a las severas inundaciones
Gobierno de la Rep=FAblica Como respuesta al terremoto que afectó al estado de Oaxaca el 30 de septiembre, y a las severas inundaciones que afectaron a los estados de Puebla, Veracruz, Hidalgo y...
CWS Emergency Appeal Update: Mexico Flooding/Earthquake
CHURCH WORLD SERVICE EMERGENCY RESPONSE OFFICE Church World Service is the Humanitarian Agency of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. 35 Denominations & Communions Working...
El Salvador + 4 more
This Week at Doctors Without Borders: Week of 11 Oct 1999 (Mexico, East Timor, Nigeria, Sudan, El Salvador)
Earthquake and Floods Hit Southern Mexico: An earthquake measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale and widespread flooding brought on by torrential rains have seriously affected 10 states in southern...
Report on the damages rains and earthquake of 30 September in Oaxaca State
Caritas Mexicana Episcopal Commission for the Social Pastoral Details of the Situation Rains that for the past five days have been drenching six states of the Mexican Republic, five of which are in a...
Emergency Appeal: Mexico Flooding/Earthquake
CHURCH WORLD SERVICE EMERGENCY RESPONSE OFFICE Church World Service is the Humanitarian Agency of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. 35 Denominations & Communions Working...
Mexico: El Gobierno de la República no tiene hoy asunto más importante que auxiliar a damnificados en Oaxaca
Comunicado No. 1791- San Pedro Tututepec, Oax., octubre 5, 1999. El presidente Zedillo puso en marcha el Programa Emergente de Vivienda. Lamentó la pérdida de 31 vidas humanas. Se destinan 500...
Mexico: Earthquake in Oaxaca and Guerrero States - Information Bulletin n° 3
The Disaster The 7.6 force earthquake that struck Mexico's Oaxaca & Guerrero states was the strongest registered in Mexico in over 14 years and serious casualties were avoided only because of the...
Mexico Cleans Up After Powerful Earthquake
By Fiona Ortiz OAXACA, Mexico (Reuters) - Authorities turned to the task of cleaning up Friday following a powerful earthquake that shook parts of Mexico, killing at least 14 people and damaging...
The Federal Government will provide solid support to resolve the situation in Oaxaca
Press Release 1785 Oaxaca, Oaxaca, October 1, 1999. The Federal Government will use special resources to create rehabilitation programs in the areas of Oaxaca affected by the earthquake The...
Terremoto en Mexico: Informe 2 - 1 de Oct 1999
ORGANIZACION PANAMERICANA DE LA SALUD Oficina Regional de la ORGANIZACION MUNDIAL DE LA SALUD Este informe también se encuentra en nuestra página web: Visítenos. ...
Earthquake in Mexico: PAHO Report 2 - 1 Oct 1999
PAN AMERICAN HEALTH ORGANIZATION Regional Office of the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION This report is also available on our Web site: On 1 October, the Pan American...
Earthquake in Mexico: PAHO Report - 1 Oct 1999
On 1 October, the Pan American Health Organization met with the following national authorities in MÚxico: Directorate of Emergencies and Disasters of the Secretary of Health (Dr. Esteban RodrÝguez),...
Mexico: Earthquake in Oaxaca and Guerrero States - Information Bulletin n° 2
The Disaster The earthquake, measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale, which shook south western Mexico yesterday, 30 September, fortunately occurred in an area of limited population. The epicentre...
Situation Report: Mexico Earthquake
CHURCH WORLD SERVICE EMERGENCY RESPONSE OFFICE Church World Service is the Humanitarian Agency of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. 35 Denominations & Communions Working...
Earthquake in Mexico: PAHO Report - 30 Sep 1999
A 7.4 (Richter Scale) earthquake with its epicenter in the southern state of Oaxaca, struck Mexico this afternoon. Preliminary reports put the death toll at five in Oaxaca; no injuries or deaths have...
USGS Earthquake Bulletin: Oaxaca, Mexico
99/09/30 16:31:13 16.15N 96.71W 33.0 7.5Ms OAXACA, MEXICO The following is a release by the United States Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center: A major earthquake occurred NEAR...