Citation Dina Najjar. (1/8/2024). Guide d’appui aux coopératives agricoles féminines au Maroc. Abstract/Description Ce guide s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’appui à l›ouverture des coopératives...
Manual and Guideline Updates
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Post-Distribution Monitoring Tipsheet & Questionnaire for Cash & Voucher Assistance
Plan International has revised its Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM) questionnaire to improve the quality and impact of its Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) programs. This update aims to improve...
Manuel d’orientation sur la surveillance de la sécurité du nVPO2 - Mise à jour : août 2024
Contexte Le nouveau vaccin antipoliomyélitique oral de type 2 (nVPO2) peut être utilisé par les pays confrontés à une détection de poliovirus de type 2 ou à des flambées épidémiques de poliovirus...
Joint Operational Framework: WASH Resilience, Conflict Sensitivity and Peacebuilding
Author: Grieve T., Rueck J., Panzerbieter T. Year: 2023 Publisher: German Wash Network (GWN), WASH Road Map (WRM) The “Joint Operational Framework: WASH Resilience, Conflict Sensitivity and...
Interoperable Aggregated CFM Model in Somalia
There is a high demand from Humanitarian Country Team PDAD Task Team members for a coordinated system that serves as an aggregator, developed by building on existing and proposed CFMs through...
Interoperable Aggregated CFM Model in Somalia - Technical Standards and guidance for incorporating into individual CFMs
Introduction: To address the concerns regarding Post-Delivery Aid Diversion the Somalia Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) has adopted an action plan and monitoring framework which includes 10 priority...
Indicators Framework Child Protection AoR Ukraine - HNRP 2025 [EN/UK]
INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND This document is to provide clarification on the 2025 5Ws/Activity Info, including Child Protection activities, with the aim of consolidating, strengthening, and ensuring...
Roadmap – Gap analysis
Please refer to the attached file.
Somalia National Bureau of Statistics (SNBS): Methodology & Analysis results to inform the MEB gap analysis & TV
Content HH Level Gap Analysis – HH gap analysis methodology . – IHBS dataset description. – Analytical steps. – Limitations. – Steps ▪ Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 – Summary of gaps and capacities.
Identifying Gaps in Households Economic Capacity to Meet Essential Needs (food and non-food) and the New Transfer Value Recommendation (September 2024)
By MEB Review and Gap Analysis Task Force – SNBS, CWG Chair, FSC, FSNAU, REACH, FAO and WFP 1. Background and Introduction Somalia is characterized by a complex political, security, and development...
Somalia National Bureau of Statistics (SNBS): Analysis results to inform the MPCA & food MEB new transfer values
Timelines of MEB Analysis and TV Review Process 1. Development of ToR and Roadmaps for MEB Review & Gap Analysis – 01/2024 2. Established Core and Technical Team – 2/2024 3. Datasets Used – SNBS...
Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E) Assessment Guide
Infant and young child feeding (IYCF) is critical in humanitarian contexts. Recommended IYCF practices can prevent undernutrition, reduce disease burden and save lives. However, emergencies disrupt...
WHO Guidelines for Malaria (30 November 2024)
Overview The WHO guidelines for malaria bring together the Organization’s most up-to-date recommendations for malaria in one user-friendly and easy-to-navigate online platform. The WHO guidelines for...
Safety monitoring of mpox vaccines using cohort event monitoring: a WHO protocol
Overview On the front page also: Protocol identifying number: ERC.0004184. Use of this protocol: As a master protocol to be approved by WHO Ethical Review Committee (ERC), study sites will submit...
Guía de despliegue para personas coordinadoras de protección contra la explotación y los abusos sexuales (versión actualizada de 2024)
INTRODUCCIÓN Esta herramienta ofrece orientación a personas coordinadoras de protección contra la explotación y los abusos sexuales (en lo sucesivo, “PEAS”) quienes se encargan de promover y...
Guide de déploiement à l’usage des coordonnateurs PSEA - mise à jour de 2024
INTRODUCTION Le présent outil fournit des orientations aux coordonnateurs de la prévention de l’exploitation et des atteintes sexuelles (PSEA) chargés d’appuyer et de coordonner le programme PSEA au...
Deployment Package for PSEA Coordinators - 2024 Revision [EN/AR]
INTRODUCTION This tool provides guidance to PSEA Coordinators tasked with supporting and coordinating the inter-agency PSEA Program in country under Resident and/or Humanitarian Coordinators. While...
AAP in Proposal Design for Drought Response and Famine Prevention Planning
Rationale AAP means what it says: aid and development actors remain accountable to the people they serve, particularly in times of crisis. In practice, this means we behave ethically towards the...
Creating a Participation: Revolution by Design - Somalia National Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) Strategy and Action Plan, May 2022 - 2024
The Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) Strategy and Action Plan is an opportunity to transform how agencies, clusters and partners coordinate, implement, monitor and resource collaborative...
Lebanon + 1 more
Guidelines for Referral Health Care in Lebanon - Standard Operating Procedures, Updated August 2024
Introduction: UNHCR in Lebanon plays a pivotal role in facilitating and advocating for refugees' access to existing services and healthcare providers, ensuring that refugees known to UNHCR have...